startDate() ); $event_down = new JEventDate( $event->endDate()); // BAR COLOR GENERATION $bgeventcolor = JEV_CommonFunctions::setColor($event); $start_publish = JevDate::mktime( 0, 0, 0, $event->mup(), $event->dup(), $event->yup() ); $stop_publish = JevDate::mktime( 0, 0, 0, $event->mdn(), $event->ddn(), $event->ydn() ); // this file controls the events component month calendar display cell output. It is separated from the // showCalendar function in the events.php file to allow users to customize this portion of the code easier. // The event information to be displayed within a month day on the calendar can be modified, as well as any // overlay window information printed with a javascript mouseover event. Each event prints as a separate table // row with a single column, within the month table's cell. // On mouse over date formats // Note that the date formats for the events can be easily changed by modifying the sprintf formatting // string below. These are used for the default overlay window. As well, the JevDate::strftime() function could // also be used instead to provide more powerful date formatting which supports locales if php function // set_locale() is being used. // define start and end $cellStart = '
event->viewDetailLink($year,$month,$currentDay['d0'],false); $link = JRoute::_($link.$this->_datamodel->getCatidsOutLink()); $title = $event->title(); // [mic] if title is too long, cut 'em for display $tmpTitle = $title; // set truncated title if (!isset($this->event->truncatedtitle)){ if( JString::strlen( $title ) >= $cfg->get('com_calCutTitle',50)){ $tmpTitle = JString::substr( $title, 0, $cfg->get('com_calCutTitle',50) ) . ' ...'; } $tmpTitle = JEventsHTML::special($tmpTitle); $this->event->truncatedtitle = $tmpTitle; } else { $tmpTitle = $this->event->truncatedtitle ; } // [new mic] if amount of displaing events greater than defined, show only a scmall coloured icon // instead of full text - the image could also be "recurring dependig", which means // for each kind of event (one day, multi day, last day) another icon // in this case the dfinition must moved down to be more flexible! // [tstahl] add a graphic symbol for all day events? $tmp_start_time = (($this->start_time == $this->stop_time && !$this->event->noendtime()) || $this->event->alldayevent()) ? '' : $this->start_time; $templatedcell = false; if( $currentDay['countDisplay'] < $cfg->get('com_calMaxDisplay',5)){ ob_start(); $templatedcell = $this->loadedFromTemplate('month.calendar_cell', $this->event, 0); $res = ob_get_clean(); if ($templatedcell){ $templatedcell = $res; } else { if ($this->_view){ $this->_view->assignRef("link",$link); $this->_view->assignRef("linkStyle",$linkStyle); $this->_view->assignRef("tmp_start_time",$tmp_start_time); $this->_view->assignRef("tmpTitle",$tmpTitle); } $title_event_link = $this->loadOverride("cellcontent"); // allow fallback to old method if ($title_event_link==""){ $title_event_link = "\n".'' . ( $cfg->get('com_calDisplayStarttime') ? $tmp_start_time : '' ) . ' ' . $tmpTitle . '' . "\n"; } $cellStyle .= "background-color:$bgeventcolor;padding:0px 0px 1px 2px;"; } }else{ $eventIMG = ''; $title_event_link = "\n".'' . $eventIMG . '' . "\n"; $cellStyle .= ' float:left;width:10px;'; } $cellString = ''; // allow template overrides for cell popups // only try override if we have a view reference if ($this->_view){ $this->_view->assignRef("ecc",$this); $this->_view->assignRef("cellDate",$currentDay["cellDate"]); } if( $cfg->get("com_enableToolTip",1)) { if ($cfg->get("tooltiptype",'overlib')=='overlib'){ $tooltip = $this->loadOverride("overlib"); // allow fallback to old method if ($tooltip==""){ $tooltip=$this->calendarCell_popup($currentDay["cellDate"]); } $cellString .= $tooltip; } else { // TT background if( $cfg->get('com_calTTBackground',1) == '1' ){ $bground = $this->event->bgcolor(); $fground = $this->event->fgcolor(); } else { $bground = "#000000"; $fground = "#ffffff"; } $toolTipArray = array('className'=>'jevtip'); JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip', '.hasjevtip', $toolTipArray); $tooltip = $this->loadOverride("tooltip"); // allow fallback to old method if ($tooltip==""){ $tooltip = $this->calendarCell_tooltip($currentDay["cellDate"]); } if (strpos($tooltip,"templated")===0 ) { $title = substr($tooltip,9); $cellString = ""; } else { $cellString .= '
'; $title = '
'; } if ($templatedcell){ $templatedcell = str_replace("[[TOOLTIP]]", htmlspecialchars($title.$cellString,ENT_QUOTES), $templatedcell); $time = $cfg->get('com_calDisplayStarttime')?$tmp_start_time:""; $templatedcell = str_replace("[[EVTTIME]]", $time, $templatedcell); return $templatedcell; } $html = $cellStart . ' style="' . $cellStyle . '">' . $this->tooltip( $title.$cellString, $title_event_link) . $cellEnd; return $html; } } if ($templatedcell) { $templatedcell = str_replace("[[TOOLTIP]]", htmlspecialchars($title . $cellString, ENT_QUOTES), $templatedcell); $time = $cfg->get('com_calDisplayStarttime') ? $tmp_start_time : ""; $templatedcell = str_replace("[[EVTTIME]]", $time, $templatedcell); return $templatedcell; } // return the whole thing return $cellStart . ' style="' . $cellStyle . '" ' . $cellString . ">\n" . $title_event_link . $cellEnd; } }?>