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margin: 0; } dl.stats-module dt { float: left; display: block; line-height: 1.5em; min-height: 1.5em; width: 10em; padding: 0.3em 0.3em 0 0; margin: 0; font-weight: bold; } dl.stats-module dd { display: block; line-height: 1.5em; min-height: 1.5em; margin: 0 0 0 10em; } div.mod-languages ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } div.mod-languages li { background: none; margin: 0 0.3em; padding: 0; } div.mod-languages ul.lang-inline li { display: inline; } div.mod-languages ul.lang-block li { display: block; } div.mod-languages img { border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } div.clr { clear: both; } #system-message ul li { background-image: none; } ul.actions, ul.actions li, ul.actions li img { display: inline; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; } ul.actions li { background: none; list-style: none; } .items-row { display: table; width: 100%; table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: collapse; } .items-row .item { display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; } .items-row .row-separator { display: none; 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padding: 0; margin: 0; background: none; } div.img_caption p.img_caption { padding: 0.3em 0; margin: 0; } form .search label, form .finder label { display: none; } #search-searchword { margin-bottom: 5px; } .cols-2 .column-1, .cols-2 .column-2, .cols-3 .column-1, .cols-3 .column-2, .cols-3 .column-3 { float: left; clear: right; } .cols-2 .column-1 { width: 50%; } .cols-2 .column-2 { width: 50%; } .cols-3 .column-1 { width: 33%; } .cols-3 .column-2 { width: 33%; } .cols-3 .column-3 { width: 34%; } .row-separator { clear: both; float: none; font-size: 1px; display: block; } ul.categories-module li h1, ul.categories-module li h2, ul.categories-module li h3, ul.categories-module li h4, ul.categories-module li h5, ul.categories-module li h6 { display: inline; } .only, .phrases { border: solid 1px #ccc; margin: 10px 0 0 0px; padding: 15px; line-height: 1.3em; } div.tags { display: inline; } .tag-category ul > li:before { content: normal; } ul.list-striped > li:before { content: normal; } .list-striped { border-top: 1px solid #ddd; 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