- in /var/www/vhosts/zaharia.info/httpdocs/libraries/vendor/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DebugBar.php -> save (line 249) $item = mb_convert_encoding($item, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'); } }); if ($this->storage !== null) { $this->storage->save($this->getCurrentRequestId(), $this->data); } return $this->data; } -in /var/www/vhosts/zaharia.info/httpdocs/libraries/vendor/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DebugBar.php -> collect (line 265) * @return array */ public function getData() { if ($this->data === null) { $this->collect(); } return $this->data; } /** - DebugBar->getData() in /var/www/vhosts/zaharia.info/httpdocs/plugins/system/debug/src/JavascriptRenderer.php (line 119) $js .= $this->getAddDatasetCode($id, $data, '(stacked)'); } } $suffix = !$initialize ? '(ajax)' : null; $js .= $this->getAddDatasetCode($this->debugBar->getCurrentRequestId(), $this->debugBar->getData(), $suffix); $nonce = ''; if ($doc->cspNonce) { $nonce = ' nonce="' . $doc->cspNonce . '"'; - JavascriptRenderer->render() in /var/www/vhosts/zaharia.info/httpdocs/plugins/system/debug/debug.php (line 357) echo $contents; return; } echo str_replace('', $debugBarRenderer->renderHead() . $debugBarRenderer->render() . '', $contents); } /** * AJAX handler * - in /var/www/vhosts/zaharia.info/httpdocs/libraries/vendor/joomla/event/src/Dispatcher.php -> onAfterRespond (line 486) if ($event->isStopped()) { return $event; } $listener($event); } } return $event; } - Dispatcher->dispatch('onAfterRespond') in /var/www/vhosts/zaharia.info/httpdocs/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php (line 333) // Send the application response. $this->respond(); // Trigger the onAfterRespond event. $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch('onAfterRespond'); } /** * Check if the user is required to reset their password. * - CMSApplication->execute() in /var/www/vhosts/zaharia.info/httpdocs/includes/app.php (line 61) // Set the application as global app\Joomla\CMS\Factory::$application = $app;// Execute the application.$app->execute(); - require_once('/var/www/vhosts/zaharia.info/httpdocs/includes/app.php') in /var/www/vhosts/zaharia.info/httpdocs/index.php (line 32) * define() is used rather than "const" to not error for PHP 5.2 and lower */define('_JEXEC', 1);// Run the application - All executable code should be triggered through this filerequire_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/app.php';