Modification affichage d'un module

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  • Modification affichage d'un module

    Bonjour ,

    Actuellement je travailles sur un site web et j'utilise un module lasted udapted de jdownloads pour afficher les derniers téléchargements que j'ai publier dans ce module . Dans le fichier orginal du module il n'y a pas de css , il n'y que deux fichier php , j'aimerais savoir comment faire , quel code rajouter pour que les éléments se disposent en 2 colonnes .

    codes des pages du module

    defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
    // Include the weblinks functions only once
    require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helper.php';
        $database = &JFactory::getDBO();
        $current_itemid = JRequest::getVar("Itemid");
        // get published root menu link
        $database->setQuery("SELECT id from #__menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=viewcategories' and published = 1");
        $root_itemid = $database->loadResult(); 
    	$text_before     = trim($params->get( 'text_before' ) );
    	$text_after      = trim($params->get( 'text_after' ) );
    	$cat_id          = trim($params->get( 'cat_id' ) );
    	$sum_view        = intval(($params->get( 'sum_view' ) ));
    	$sum_char        = intval(($params->get( 'sum_char' ) ));
    	$short_char      = ($params->get( 'short_char' ) ); 
    	$short_version   = ($params->get( 'short_version' ) );
    	$detail_view     = ($params->get( 'detail_view' ) ); 
    	$view_date       = ($params->get( 'view_date' ) );
    	$view_date_same_line = ($params->get( 'view_date_same_line' ) );
    	$view_date_text  = ($params->get( 'view_date_text' ) );
    	$date_format     = ($params->get( 'date_format' ) );
    	$date_alignment  = ($params->get( 'date_alignment' ) );
    	$view_pics       = ($params->get( 'view_pics' ) );
    	$view_pics_size  = ($params->get( 'view_pics_size' ) );
    	$view_numerical_list = ($params->get( 'view_numerical_list' ) );
        $view_thumbnails       = $params->get( 'view_thumbnails' );
        $view_thumbnails_size  = $params->get( 'view_thumbnails_size' );
        $view_thumbnails_dummy = $params->get( 'view_thumbnails_dummy' ); 
    	$cat_show    	 = ($params->get( 'cat_show' ) );
    	$cat_show_type	 = ($params->get( 'cat_show_type' ) );
    	$cat_show_text   =  ($params->get( 'cat_show_text' ) );
    	$cat_show_text_color   = ($params->get( 'cat_show_text_color' ) );
    	$cat_show_text_size    = ($params->get( 'cat_show_text_size' ) );
    	$cat_show_as_link      = ($params->get( 'cat_show_as_link' ) ); 
    	$view_tooltip          = ($params->get( 'view_tooltip' ) ); 
    	$view_tooltip_length   = intval(($params->get( 'view_tooltip_length' ) ));
    	$alignment       = ($params->get( 'alignment' ) ); 
    	$moduleclass_sfx = ($params->get( 'moduleclass_sfx' ) );
        $thumbfolder = JURI::base().'images/jdownloads/screenshots/thumbnails/';
        $thumbnail = '';
        $border = ''; 
        $cat_show_text = trim($cat_show_text);
        if ($cat_show_text) $cat_show_text = ' '.$cat_show_text.' ';
        if ($sum_view == 0) $sum_view = 5;
        $option = 'com_jdownloads';
        $files = modJdownloadsLastUpdatedHelper::getList($params);
        if (!count($files)) {
        $moduleclass_sfx = htmlspecialchars($params->get('moduleclass_sfx'));
        require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_jdownloads_last_updated',$params->get('layout', 'default'));

    Autre page

    * @version $Id: mod_jdownloads_top.php v2.0
    * @package mod_jdownloads_top
    * @copyright (C) 2011 Arno Betz
    * @license GNU/GPL
    * @author Arno Betz
    * This modul shows you the most recent downloads from the jDownloads component. 
    * It is only for jDownloads 1.9 and later (Support:
    // this is a default layout and used tables - you can also select a alternate tableless layout in the module configuration
    defined('_JEXEC') or die;
        $html = '';
        $html = '<table width="100%" class="moduletable'.$moduleclass_sfx.'">';
        if ($files) {
            if ($text_after <> ''){
                $html .= '<tr><td>'.$text_after.'</td></tr>';   
            for ($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++) {
                $version = $short_version;
                if ($sum_char > 0){
                    $gesamt = strlen($files[$i]->file_title) + strlen($files[$i]->release) + strlen($short_version) +1;
                    if ($gesamt > $sum_char){
                       $files[$i]->file_title = JString::substr($files[$i]->file_title, 0, $sum_char).$short_char;
                       $files[$i]->release = '';
                $database->setQuery("SELECT id from #__menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=viewcategory&catid=".$files[$i]->cat_id."' and published = 1");
                $Itemid = $database->loadResult();
                if (!$Itemid){
                    $Itemid = $root_itemid;
    			if ($cat_show) {
    				if ($cat_show_type == 'containing') {
    					$database->setQuery('SELECT cat_title FROM #__jdownloads_cats WHERE cat_id = '.$files[$i]->cat_id);
    					$cattitle = $database->loadResult();
    					$cat_show_text2 = $cat_show_text.$cattitle;
    				} else {
    					$database->setQuery('SELECT cat_dir FROM #__jdownloads_cats WHERE cat_id = '.$files[$i]->cat_id);
    					$catdir = $database->loadResult();
    					$cat_show_text2 = $cat_show_text.$catdir;
    			} else {
                    $cat_show_text2 = '';
                if ($detail_view == '1'){
                    $link = 'index.php?option='.$option.'&amp;Itemid='.$Itemid.'&amp;view=viewdownload&catid='.$files[$i]->cat_id.'&cid='.$files[$i]->file_id;
                } else {    
                    $link = 'index.php?option='.$option.'&amp;Itemid='.$Itemid.'&amp;view=viewcategory&catid='.$files[$i]->cat_id;
                if ($sef==1){
                    $link = JRoute::_($link);
                if (!$files[$i]->release) $version = '';
                // build icon
                $size = 0;
                $files_pic = '';
                $number = '';
                if ($view_pics){
                    $size = (int)$view_pics_size;
                    $files_pic = '<img src="'.JURI::base().'images/jdownloads/fileimages/'.$files[$i]->file_pic.'" align="top" width="'.$size.'" height="'.$size.'" border="0" alt="" /> '; 
                // build number list
                if ($view_numerical_list){
                    $num = $i+1;
                    $number = "$num. ";
                if ($view_tooltip){
                    $link_text = '<a href="'.$link.'">'.JHTML::tooltip(strip_tags(substr($files[$i]->description,0,$view_tooltip_length)).$short_char,JText::_('MOD_JDOWNLOADS_LAST_UPDATED_DESCRIPTION_TITLE'),$files[$i]->file_title.' '.$version.$files[$i]->release,$files[$i]->file_title.' '.$version.$files[$i]->release).'</a>';                
                } else {    
                    $link_text = '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$files[$i]->file_title.' '.$version.$files[$i]->release.'</a>';
                $html .= '<tr valign="top"><td align="'.$alignment.'">'.$number.$files_pic.$link_text.'</td>';
                if ($view_date) {
                    if ($files[$i]->modified_date){
                        if ($view_date_same_line){
                            $html .= '<td align="'.$date_alignment.'"><small>'.$view_date_text.'&nbsp;'.substr(JHTML::Date($files[$i]->modified_date,$date_format),0,10).'</small></td>';
                        } else {
                            $html .= '</tr><tr><td align="'.$date_alignment.'"><small>'.$view_date_text.'&nbsp;'.substr(JHTML::Date($files[$i]->modified_date,$date_format),0,10).'</small></td>';
                $html .= '</tr>';
                // add the first download screenshot when exists and activated in options
                if ($view_thumbnails){
                    if ($files[$i]->thumbnail){
                        $thumbnail = '<img class="img" src="'.$thumbfolder.$files[$i]->thumbnail.'" align="top" style="padding:5px;" width="'.$view_thumbnails_size.'" height="'.$view_thumbnails_size.'" border="'.$border.'" alt="'.$files[$i]->file_title.'" />';
                    } else {
                        // use placeholder
                        if ($view_thumbnails_dummy){
                            $thumbnail = '<img class="img" src="'.$thumbfolder.'no_pic.gif" align="top" style="padding:5px;" width="'.$view_thumbnails_size.'" height="'.$view_thumbnails_size.'" border="'.$border.'" alt="" />';    
                    if ($thumbnail) $html .= '<tr valign="top"><td align="'.$alignment.'">'.$thumbnail.'</td></tr>';
                if ($cat_show_text2) {
                    if ($cat_show_as_link){
                        $html .= '<tr valign="top"><td align="'.$alignment.'" style="font-size:'.$cat_show_text_size.'; color:'.$cat_show_text_color.';"><a href="index.php?option='.$option.'&amp;Itemid='.$Itemid.'&amp;view=viewcategory&catid='.$files[$i]->cat_id.'">'.$cat_show_text2.'</a></td></tr>';
                    } else {    
                        $html .= '<tr valign="top"><td align="'.$alignment.'" style="font-size:'.$cat_show_text_size.'; color:'.$cat_show_text_color.';">'.$cat_show_text2.'</td></tr>';
            if ($text_after <> ''){
                $html .= '<tr><td>'.$text_after.'</td></tr>';
        echo $html.'</table>'; 

    Merci de votre aide


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