My Maps Location - les devs ne comprennent rien - mon anglais est-il si mauvais ?

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  • My Maps Location - les devs ne comprennent rien - mon anglais est-il si mauvais ?


    Avec l'extension My Maps Location, je souhaite convertir 500 localisations environ dans un fichier KML afin de l'utiliser sur une application sur mon téléphone ce que l'extension propose mais à l'issu j'obtiens un fichier KML qui ne contient aucune localisation.

    J'ai payé une licence afin de bénéficier du support et les échanges que j'ai depuis plusieurs jours sont incroyables !

    I have a problem.
    To create a file (kml) is not possible, i have a very small file (254 ko). There is nothing is this file.
    I have 494 localisations with description.
    It's important for me to create this file.
    Can you help me ?
    Thanks you very much
    send me kml in zip and your joomla super admin and password so i can check and update you.
    I don't speak English very well, sorry.
    With the previous version, I couldn't create the kml file.
    I renewed the purchase of this extension to get your help.
    I have 494 locations.
    I need to create the kml file but it doesn't work with version 4.3.3. Its important to me.
    My website is : login: machin password: truc
    Thank you for your help.
    I did the import for you and created csv.please check and let me know if its ok now?
    Thank you for your reply.
    But it doesn't work.
    You write: "I did the import for you and created csv."
    I have this file: yoo4.kml (1ko)
    I really need a KML file. That's good.
    This KML file must contain all the locations of my site (494 locations).
    I have to export all my locations in a KML file.
    Thank you for your help.
    i converted kml to csv and upload them on your site.please let me know what is not working ?
    In my website you can see 494 locations.
    I want export all my location (494 locations) in a file KML. I don't want a CSV file.
    I want download this KML file.
    I want this file only but it doesn't work.
    Thank you.
    please check the following xml file.
    In your zip there is this file : blablabla.kml
    Ok but there is nothing in this file (155ko only). Before asking for your help, I did the same thing.
    If you open your file with Google Earth or MapsMe in a phine there is nothing in your file.
    I want all my locations with description in a KML file.
    Do you understand my request ?

    Je me demande si ma demande est claire mais le mec qui me répond m'envoie soit un format que je ne demande pas (CSV)... soit un fichier KML qui ne contient rien...

    Y a t-il un vrai support technique ? Est ce que le mec en a rien à faire ? Est ce vraiment des développeurs ?

    Je vous remercie de vos avis.


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