34 SobiPro is shipped with English (en-GB) language files only. Thanks to our translation teams, SobiPro is translated into several other languages than English. To let SobiPro speak another language, just install the corresponding language package which can be found here or directly in your SobiPro back-end in the SobiPro repository. If your language is not in the list, you are welcome to translate the language files for SobiPro into your language. We are using Transifex, an online tool for translation. If you want to be part of the SobiPro translation teams and help in translation of SobiPro into your language, get a member of Transifex and request to join a team. We honour our translators with a free subscription period. Two times in the year, on 1 June and on 1 December we check what our translators have done in the past 6 months. If they have actively participated in the translation of SobiPro and its applications, their free subscription will be prolonged for another period of 6 months respectively a free membership of 6 months is given. If you haven't provided us with translations for a 6 months period, we can replace your position with a different translator.
Schtroumpfe toi le Schtroumpf t'aidera.
Je ne schtroumpfe pas aux demandes de schtroumpf par MP.
En fait l'echec d'installation venait du fait que je tentais l'installation via l'admin du site. J'ai procédé à l'installation en passant par mon FTP et cela fonctionne.