bonjour à tous
j'ai acheter une templète chez zoomspirit
Je voulais mettre une image de fond, voila ce qu'il mon donné comme explication d’installation:
"Rendering difference between browsers :
This template works perfectly with Chrome, Firefox, IE6+. But I've use some functionnality of CSS3, almost not supported by IE :
•All textfield and the "read more" button use the property "border-radius" for obtain a rounded corner. OK for all browsers except IE
•For Firefox Chrome and Safari, you can use the class ".shadow" for yours images. You will obtain a nice shadow effect (see examples on this demo).
•The feed, print, mail, pdf have a rotate effect on hover. OK only for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
I decided to use these functionnality for obtain a clean and light template. With that, there're less code and fewer images to load, with the better of each browser !!"
"Module image
How to manage the position "image" ?
"Image" is an extra position is to insert an image or animation in your frontpage.
For that, you must create a new module with the option "custom html".
After, assign this module to the position "image" and insert your image inside. You can set the width for this position in the template manager.
Note : With this position, there isn't the image shadow on the side. The purpose of this position is to display a module with a width different from the rest of the website."
j'ai donc fait une traduction et fais les étapes suivante mais sans résultats:
je suis aller créer un module contenu personnalisé/ j'ai inséré l'image / et mis en position image de la templète.
Toujour rien pouvez vous m'aider ?
j'ai acheter une templète chez zoomspirit
Je voulais mettre une image de fond, voila ce qu'il mon donné comme explication d’installation:
"Rendering difference between browsers :
This template works perfectly with Chrome, Firefox, IE6+. But I've use some functionnality of CSS3, almost not supported by IE :
•All textfield and the "read more" button use the property "border-radius" for obtain a rounded corner. OK for all browsers except IE
•For Firefox Chrome and Safari, you can use the class ".shadow" for yours images. You will obtain a nice shadow effect (see examples on this demo).
•The feed, print, mail, pdf have a rotate effect on hover. OK only for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
I decided to use these functionnality for obtain a clean and light template. With that, there're less code and fewer images to load, with the better of each browser !!"
"Module image
How to manage the position "image" ?
"Image" is an extra position is to insert an image or animation in your frontpage.
For that, you must create a new module with the option "custom html".
After, assign this module to the position "image" and insert your image inside. You can set the width for this position in the template manager.
Note : With this position, there isn't the image shadow on the side. The purpose of this position is to display a module with a width different from the rest of the website."
j'ai donc fait une traduction et fais les étapes suivante mais sans résultats:
je suis aller créer un module contenu personnalisé/ j'ai inséré l'image / et mis en position image de la templète.
Toujour rien pouvez vous m'aider ?