Compte a rebours en français

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  • [RÉGLÉ] Compte a rebours en français

    Bonjour à tous.
    tout d'abord je tiens à préciser que je suis débutant sur joomla.

    Je suis en train de creer un site pour un grand événement de ma région.
    En page d'accueil, je souhaiterais y mettre un compte à rebours pour afficher le temps restant avant cet événement.
    Je suis donc à la recherche d'un module de compte à rebours en français.
    J'en ai trouvé 1 qui fonctionne à merveille (go mylo) mais l'affichage du texte est en anglais (par exemple: 3 days 18 hours...)

    Connaissez vous un module qui pourrait combler mon attente?

    Merci d'avance

    Dernière édition par jeiirem à 25/05/2013, 13h32

  • #2
    Re : Compte a rebours en français


    Je suis donc à la recherche d'un module de compte à rebours en français.
    Celui retenu (Go mylo) possède ses propres fichiers langues, à toi de les traduire et ainsi ton module passera en fr.


    • #3
      Re : Compte a rebours en français

      ça serait parfait alors. Mais comment je fais ça stp?


      • #4
        Re : Compte a rebours en français

        Ben tu décompresses l'archive, tu renommes le fichier en-GB_mod_tonexyension.ini en fr-FR_mod_tonextension.ini, tu le traduis et l'enregistre en UTF8-No BOM, puis renvoi sur le serveur dans le répertoire langue fr.


        • #5
          Re : Compte a rebours en français

          j'ai renommé le fichier, en revanche je ne comprend pas ce que tu veux dire par "tu le traduis et l'enregistre en UTF8-No BOM, puis renvoi sur le serveur dans le répertoire langue fr."


          • #6
            Re : Compte a rebours en français

            J'ai réussi à traduire tout ça, mais maintenant ça m'affiche :
            "50 WEEKS_TEXT 4 DAYS_TEXT "etc

            Tu as une idée de mon erreur?


            • #7
              Re : Compte a rebours en français


              Au cas où c'est ce que tu as fait, tu ne dois pas tout traduire. Voici un exemple

              La ligne en anglais : JOFFLINE_MESSAGE="This site is down for maintenance.<br /> Please check back again soon."
              La ligne en français : JOFFLINE_MESSAGE="Ce site est en maintenance.<br /> Merci de revenir ultérieurement."
              Dans mon texte j'utilise la nouvelle graphie qui est suggérée par l'Office de la langue française du Québec.


              • #8
                Re : Compte a rebours en français

                je n'ai traduit que ce qui m'interessait.
                Par exemple il y avait:

                et j'ai mis: WEEK_TEXT="semaine"


                • #9
                  Re : Compte a rebours en français


                  Envoyé par jeiirem Voir le message
                  J'ai réussi à traduire tout ça, mais maintenant ça m'affiche :
                  "50 WEEKS_TEXT 4 DAYS_TEXT "etc

                  Tu as une idée de mon erreur?
                  il doit manquer un " quelque part....
                  sommaire thématique des astuces du forum e-commerce ici


                  • #10
                    Re : Compte a rebours en français

                    Pourtant non, j'ai vérifié. Voici tout ce que j'ai, peut être que vous arriverez à déchiffrer tout ça

                    ; $Id: en-GB.mod_go_mylo_countdown.ini 2012-03-01

                    ; Go Mylo Countdown Module - mod_go_mylo_countdown 2.5.0

                    ; Copyright (C) 2012 All rights reserved.

                    ; License

                    ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM

                    GO_MYLO_COUNTDOWN="Go Mylo Countdown Free"

                    MOD_GO_MYLO_COUNTDOWN="Go Mylo Countdown Free"

                    MOD_GO_MYLO_COUNTDOWN_DESCRIPTION="<b>Go Mylo Countdown Free</b> (Version 2.5.0)<br />Go Mylo Countdown Module is a Joomla module that counts down from the hosting server's current date/time to a specified date/time. This is one of the most flexible countdown modules for controlling the style of your output.<br /><br /><b>PLEASE NOTE:</b> The Free version only allows <b>ONE</b> countdown per page. Attempting to display more than one countdown per page will result in errors. To display more than one countdown per page, please visit one of the 'Upgrade' links below.<br /><br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Vote / Review in the JED</a><br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Get Documentation</a><br /><a href=' Mylo Countdown Bug Report' target='_blank'>Report Bugs</a><br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Check for newer version</a><br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Upgrade to Pro version</a><br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Upgrade to Lifetime version</a>"

                    ;;; Basic Options ;;;

                    UNIQUE="Unique Identifier"

                    UNIQUE_DESC="If you need to display more than one countdown on a single page, please enter a unique alphanumeric identifier to distinguish this countdown from the others. No spaces please. For example, 'countdown1', 'cd2', '03', etc."

                    CD_TYPE="Countdown Type"

                    CD_TYPE_DESC="<u>Absolute</u> - countdown to a specified date/time. This is useful for counting down to the New Year, a website launch, etc.<br /><u>Relative</u> - countdown for a specified time period for each visitor. This is useful for allowing only a specified time period to view a resource."



                    ;;; Date and Time (Absolute) ;;;

                    DATE_TIME_ABS_LABEL="Date and Time (Absolute)"

                    TARGET_DATE="Target Date<br />(YYYY-MM-DD)"

                    TARGET_DATE_DESC="Select a target date by clicking on the calendar icon or enter your date in the format specified."

                    TARGET_TIME24="Target Time<br />(24 hour format)"

                    TARGET_TIME24_DESC="Enter the time that we are counting down to. Separate the hours and minutes with a colon. For example, 8:30, 16:15, 23:38. If the time is left blank, it will be set to noon of the selected day."

                    TARGET_TIME12="Target Time<br />(12 hour format)"

                    TARGET_TIME12_DESC="Enter the time that we are counting down to. Separate the hours and minutes with a colon. For example, 8:30, 4:15, 11:38. Enter time in the 12 hour format - using the 24 hour format here will result in calculation errors. If the time is left blank, it will be set to noon of the selected day."



                    AM_PM="AM or PM<br />(12 hour format)"

                    AM_PM_DESC="Select AM or PM"

                    ;;; Time Period (Relative) ;;;

                    DATE_TIME_REL_LABEL="Time Period (Relative)"

                    TIME_PERIOD="Time Period"

                    TIME_PERIOD_DESC="Enter a time period to countdown from. The format is weeks:days:hours:minutes:seconds. For example, to countdown 3 weeks, 1 day, 6 hours and 48 minutes, enter 03:01:06:48:00. WARNING: This countdown uses a cookie stored on the users com****r to know when they first arrived on the page. If they have cookies turned off or delete the cookie, the countdown will restart if the page is refreshed."

                    COOKIE_RESET="Timer Reset"

                    COOKIE_RESET_DESC="Choose how long you want the user to wait before they will be able to revisit the page and have the countdown start again. This time begins AFTER the time period above has finished. Note: If 'Redirect' is chosen for Post Countdown Action, the user will not be able to go back until after this timer reaches zero."


                    CR_2="5 minutes"

                    CR_3="30 minutes"

                    CR_4="1 hour"

                    CR_5="4 hours"

                    CR_6="1 day"

                    CR_7="3 days"

                    CR_8="1 week"

                    CR_9="1 month"

                    CR_10="6 months"

                    CR_11="1 year"


                    ;;; Time Zone ;;;

                    TZ_OFFSET_LABEL="Time Zone"

                    TZ_OFFSET="Time Zone Offset"

                    TZ_OFFSET_DESC="Adjust your time zone here. Time is based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Remember to account for Daylight Savings Time if it is observed in your area."

                    ;;; Pre-Text and Post-Text ;;;

                    PRE_POST_LABEL="Pre-Text and Post-Text"


                    PRETEXT_DESC="Enter text that you want displayed before the countdown - HTML/CSS is allowed. Avoid using the break tag - it gets stripped out once 'Save' or 'Apply' is pressed. Use the paragraph or div tag instead."

                    PRE_MARGIN="Pre-Text Margins"

                    PRE_MARGIN_DESC="Enter the size margins you would like to use between the pre-text and the countdown. This uses the margin shorthand property and will give an error if you try to type 'margin-top' or 'margin-bottom'. Examples of acceptable input would be '12px;', '10px 5px;', '2.5em 5em 1em 3.2em;', etc. Be sure to add the semi-colon ( at the end of the margin. For more info on using the CSS shorthand property, do an internet search for 'css shorthand margins' or visit"


                    POSTTEXT_DESC="Enter text that you want displayed after the countdown - HTML/CSS is allowed. Avoid using the break tag - it gets stripped out once 'Save' or 'Apply' is pressed. Use the paragraph or div tag instead."

                    POST_MARGIN="Post-Text Margins"

                    POST_MARGIN_DESC="Enter the size margins you would like to use between the post-text and the countdown. This uses the margin shorthand property and will give an error if you try to type 'margin-top' or 'margin-bottom'. Examples of acceptable input would be '12px;', '10px 5px;', '2.5em 5em 1em 3.2em;', etc. Be sure to add the semi-colon ( at the end of the margin. For more info on using the CSS shorthand property, do an internet search for 'css shorthand margins' or visit"

                    ;;; Custom Label and Style ;;;

                    LABEL_STYLE_LABEL="Custom Label Style"

                    LABEL="Custom Label"

                    LABEL_DESC="If you'd like to use a custom label for your countdown, enter it here."

                    LABEL_STYLE="Custom Label Styling"

                    LABEL_STYLE_DESC="Enter CSS tags that you want to use for the label. For example:<br />font-weight:bold;<br />font-size:140%;<br />text-decoration:underline;<br />You could even use background images! Be sure your tags end with a semicolon(."

                    LABEL_LOC="Label Location"

                    LABEL_LOC_DESC="Select the location of your custom label. FYI - Left/Right setting uses 'float' which could cause a conflict with your custom label styling above. This setting is ignored if the Custom label field is empty."

                    LL_ABOVE_OPTION="Above the Countdown"

                    LL_BELOW_OPTION="Below the Countdown"

                    LL_LEFT_OPTION="To the Left of the Countdown"

                    LL_RIGHT_OPTION="To the Right of the Countdown"


                    • #11
                      Re : Compte a rebours en français

                      ;;; Countdown Style ;;;

                      COUNTDOWN_STYLE_LABEL="Countdown Style"

                      CD_LINK="Countdown Link"

                      CD_LINK_DESC="You may add a link to the countdown here. It may be relative (/myfolder/myfile) or absolute ( If you are redirecting to another website, the URL must contain “http://”. If this field is left blank, no link will be added."

                      CD_LINK_TARGET="Target Window for Countdown Link"

                      CD_LINK_TARGET_DESC="If you want the Countdown Link to open in the same window as the countdown, select 'Same Window'. To open it in a new window, select 'New Window'."

                      CD_LINK_TARGET_OPTION_SAME="Same Window"
                      CD_LINK_TARGET_OPTION_NEW="New Window"

                      DISPLAY_UNITS="Units to Display"

                      DISPLAY_UNITS_DESC="This controls which units to display. Please note that the script will convert units as needed. For example, if you choose to only display hours and your countdown is exactly 7 days away, the script will convert the days not shown into hours and display '168 hours' (7 days x 24 hours per day = 168 hours)."

                      DU_OPTION_WDHMS="Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds"

                      DU_OPTION_WDHM="Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes"

                      DU_OPTION_WDH="Weeks, Days, Hours"

                      DU_OPTION_WD="Weeks, Days"


                      DU_OPTION_DHMS="Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds"

                      DU_OPTION_DHM="Days, Hours, Minutes"

                      DU_OPTION_DH="Days, Hours"


                      DU_OPTION_HMS="Hours, Minutes, Seconds"

                      DU_OPTION_HM="Hours, Minutes"


                      DU_OPTION_MS="Minutes, Seconds"



                      ZERO_PLURALITY="Show Zero Plurality?"

                      ZERO_PLURALITY_DESC="In English, it is proper to say '0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds'. In other languages, it is proper to say '0 hour, 0 minute, 0 second'. Select 'Yes' to have the plural unit displayed when the numeral is a zero."



                      ALT_WEEK="'week' alternative"

                      ALT_WEEK_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'week'. For example, you might use 'w' or 'wk', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      ALT_WEEKS="'weeks' alternative"

                      ALT_WEEKS_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'weeks'. For example, you might use 'w' or 'wk', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      ALT_DAY="'day' alternative"

                      ALT_DAY_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'day'. For example, you might use 'd' or 'dy', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      ALT_DAYS="'days' alternative"

                      ALT_DAYS_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'days'. For example, you might use 'd' or 'dy', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      ALT_HOUR="'hour' alternative"

                      ALT_HOUR_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'hour'. For example, you might use 'h' or 'hr', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      ALT_HOURS="'hours' alternative"

                      ALT_HOURS_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'hours'. For example, you might use 'h' or 'hr', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      ALT_MINUTE="'minute' alternative"

                      ALT_MINUTE_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'minute'. For example, you might use 'm' or 'min', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      ALT_MINUTES="'minutes' alternative"

                      ALT_MINUTES_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'minutes'. For example, you might use 'm' or 'min', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      ALT_SECOND="'second' alternative"

                      ALT_SECOND_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'second'. For example, you might use 's' or 'sec', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      ALT_SECONDS="'seconds' alternative"

                      ALT_SECONDS_DESC="Enter an alternative to display for 'seconds'. For example, you might use 's' or 'sec', a colon (, any other character of your choosing, or you may also use images. To use an image, the image tag must be entered using a single quotation ('). For example: <img src='pathtoimage/image.jpg' /> If left blank, the default term will be used."

                      DISPLAY_ZERO="Display leading zero?"

                      DISPLAY_ZERO_DESC="If chosen, a leading zero will be added to each unit when their count falls below 10. For example, 09 days 14 hours 02 minutes 26 seconds."



                      DELIMITER="Delimiter for large numbers"

                      DELIMITER_DESC="If you've chosen to display the units in a manner which will result in large numbers, you may add a delimiter here that will be placed at every 3rd digit. You can use a comma, decimal, or anything that you want. For example, using a comma delimiter with 12093487 will display 12,093,487. You may choose to leave this blank for no delimiter."

                      STYLING="Countdown Styling"

                      STYLING_DESC="Enter CSS tags that you want to use for the countdown. For example:<br />font-weight:bold;<br />font-size:140%;<br />text-decoration:underline;<br />You could even use background images! Be sure your tags end with a semicolon(."

                      H_OR_V="Horizontal or Vertical?"

                      H_OR_V_DESC="Select whether the countdown should be displayed horizontally...<br />xx days xx hours xx minutes xx seconds<br />... or vertically...<br />xx days<br />xx hours<br />xx minutes<br />xx seconds"



                      JUSTIFICATION="Justification of Custom Label and Countdown"

                      JUSTIFICATION_DESC="Select how the label and countdown should be justified in the module."




                      ;;; Post Countdown Action ;;;

                      POST_COUNT_LABEL="Post Countdown Action"

                      POST_COUNT_ACTION="Display Text or Redirect?"

                      POST_COUNT_ACTION_DESC="Select whether to display text or redirect the user when the countdown reaches zero."

                      DISPLAY_TEXT_OPTION="Display Text"


                      TEXT_TO_DISPLAY="Text to display after countdown reaches zero"

                      TEXT_TO_DISPLAY_DESC="Enter text that you want displayed after the countdown reaches zero - HTML/CSS is allowed. Avoid using the break tag - it gets stripped out once 'Save' or 'Apply' is pressed. Use the paragraph or div tag instead. If 'Redirect' was chosen, this setting will be ignored."

                      SHOW_PRE="Show pre-text after countdown ends?"

                      SHOW_PRE_DESC="The pretext (specified above) can be turned on or off when the countdown reaches zero. If 'Redirect in the Same Window' was chosen, this setting will be ignored."



                      SHOW_POST="Show post-text after countdown ends?"

                      SHOW_POST_DESC="The posttext (specified above) can be turned on or off when the countdown reaches zero. If 'Redirect in the Same Window' was chosen, this setting will be ignored."



                      REDIRECT_URL="Redirect URL"

                      REDIRECT_URL_DESC="Enter the URL to redirect visitors to once the countdown reaches zero. This must be a full URL including 'http://' at the beginning. If 'Display Text' was chosen, this setting will be ignored."

                      REDIRECT_TARGET="Redirect Target Window"

                      REDIRECT_TARGET_DESC="If you want the Redirect URL to open in the same window as the countdown, select 'Same Window'. To open it in a new window, select 'New Window'. Remember: If you redirect to a new window, make sure there is something in the 'Text to display after countdown reaches zero' field."

                      REDIRECT_TARGET_OPTION_SAME="Same Window"

                      REDIRECT_TARGET_OPTION_NEW="New Window"

                      ;;; Advanced Options ;;;

                      SHOW_AUTHOR="Showlink to author?"

                      SHOW_AUTHOR_DESC="Selecting 'Yes' will show a lnk to the author in a small font at the bottom of your module."



                      MODULE_STYLE_LABEL="Module Style"

                      MOD_CLASS="Module Class Suffix"

                      MOD_CLASS_DESC="A suffix to be applied to the css class of the module that allows individual module styling."

                      ;;; Default units ;;;












                      • #12
                        Re : Compte a rebours en français

                        le fichier est-il converti en utf8 no bom ?
                        sommaire thématique des astuces du forum e-commerce ici


                        • #13
                          Re : Compte a rebours en français

                          aaaa non, comment fait on cela?


                          • #14
                            Re : Compte a rebours en français

                            utiliser un éditeur comme notepad++

                            menu encodage

                            convertir en utf8 no bom

                            attention, il y a une erreur de traduction dans notepad car il y a une mention "encoder en utf8" qui devrait être "encodé..." et qui ne désigne que l'état actuel
                            sommaire thématique des astuces du forum e-commerce ici


                            • #15
                              Re : Compte a rebours en français

                              Tu es certain que c'est le fichier langue, que tu retrouves dans le dossier /language/en-GB et que tu dois mettre dans le dossier /language/fr-FR avec le nom en Fr.
                              Dans mon texte j'utilise la nouvelle graphie qui est suggérée par l'Office de la langue française du Québec.



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