Bonjour à tous,
Depuis ce matin, je constate que mon site joomla affiche l'erreur suivante que je comprend pas :
Si quelqu'un peux me donner un coups de mains, je suis preneur...
Version de joomla 2.5 / hébergeur OVH
Strict Standards: Declaration of JSessionStorageDatabase::gc() should be compatible with JSessionStorage::gc($maxlifetime = NULL) in /homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/session/storage/database.php on line 143
Strict Standards: Declaration of JDatabaseMySQL::loadAssocList() should be compatible with JDatabase::loadAssocList($key = NULL, $column = NULL) in //homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 692
Strict Standards: Declaration of JDatabaseMySQL::loadObject() should be compatible with JDatabase::loadObject($class = 'stdClass') in /homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 692
Strict Standards: Declaration of JDatabaseMySQL::loadObjectList() should be compatible with JDatabase::loadObjectList($key = '', $class = 'stdClass') in /homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 692
Fatal error: Cannot make static method JDatabaseInterface::test() non static in class JDatabaseMySQL in /homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 692
Depuis ce matin, je constate que mon site joomla affiche l'erreur suivante que je comprend pas :
Si quelqu'un peux me donner un coups de mains, je suis preneur...
Version de joomla 2.5 / hébergeur OVH
Strict Standards: Declaration of JSessionStorageDatabase::gc() should be compatible with JSessionStorage::gc($maxlifetime = NULL) in /homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/session/storage/database.php on line 143
Strict Standards: Declaration of JDatabaseMySQL::loadAssocList() should be compatible with JDatabase::loadAssocList($key = NULL, $column = NULL) in //homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 692
Strict Standards: Declaration of JDatabaseMySQL::loadObject() should be compatible with JDatabase::loadObject($class = 'stdClass') in /homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 692
Strict Standards: Declaration of JDatabaseMySQL::loadObjectList() should be compatible with JDatabase::loadObjectList($key = '', $class = 'stdClass') in /homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 692
Fatal error: Cannot make static method JDatabaseInterface::test() non static in class JDatabaseMySQL in /homez.xx/nxxxs/www-repertoire/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 692