warning : Zend OPcache API is restricted ...

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  • [Problème] warning : Zend OPcache API is restricted ...


    Joomla 442
    Version de PHP 8.2.10

    une erreur est apparue, puis elle disparait puis revient ...

    : Zend OPcache API is restricted by "restrict_api" configuration directive in /home/site/www/libraries/vendor/joomla/filesystem/src/File.php on line 330
     * Part of the Joomla Framework Filesystem Package
     * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
     * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
    namespace Joomla\Filesystem;
    use Joomla\Filesystem\Exception\FilesystemException;
     * A File handling class
     * @since  1.0
    class File
         * Strips the last extension off of a file name
         * @param   string  $file  The file name
         * @return  string  The file name without the extension
         * @since   1.0
        public static function stripExt($file)
            return preg_replace('#\.[^.]*$#', '', $file);
         * Makes the file name safe to use
         * @param   string  $file        The name of the file [not full path]
         * @param   array   $stripChars  Array of regex (by default will remove any leading periods)
         * @return  string  The sanitised string
         * @since   1.0
        public static function makeSafe($file, array $stripChars = ['#^\.#'])
            $regex = array_merge(['#(\.){2,}#', '#[^A-Za-z0-9\.\_\- ]#'], $stripChars);
            $file = preg_replace($regex, '', $file);
            // Remove any trailing dots, as those aren't ever valid file names.
            $file = rtrim($file, '.');
            return $file;
         * Copies a file
         * @param   string   $src         The path to the source file
         * @param   string   $dest        The path to the destination file
         * @param   string   $path        An optional base path to prefix to the file names
         * @param   boolean  $useStreams  True to use streams
         * @return  boolean  True on success
         * @since   1.0
         * @throws  FilesystemException
         * @throws  \UnexpectedValueException
        public static function copy($src, $dest, $path = null, $useStreams = false)
            // Prepend a base path if it exists
            if ($path)
                $src  = Path::clean($path . '/' . $src);
                $dest = Path::clean($path . '/' . $dest);
            // Check src path
            if (!is_readable($src))
                throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
                        "%s: Cannot find or read file: %s",
            if ($useStreams)
                $stream = Stream::getStream();
                if (!$stream->copy($src, $dest, null, false))
                    throw new FilesystemException(sprintf('%1$s(%2$s, %3$s): %4$s', __METHOD__, $src, $dest, $stream->getError()));
                return true;
            if (!@ copy($src, $dest))
                throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': Copy failed.');
            return true;
         * Delete a file or array of files
         * @param   mixed  $file  The file name or an array of file names
         * @return  boolean  True on success
         * @since   1.0
         * @throws  FilesystemException
        public static function delete($file)
            $files = (array) $file;
            foreach ($files as $file)
                $file     = Path::clean($file);
                $filename = basename($file);
                if (!Path::canChmod($file))
                    throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': Failed deleting inaccessible file ' . $filename);
                // Try making the file writable first. If it's read-only, it can't be deleted
                // on Windows, even if the parent folder is writable
                @chmod($file, 0777);
                // In case of restricted permissions we zap it one way or the other
                // as long as the owner is either the webserver or the ftp
                if (!@ unlink($file))
                    throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': Failed deleting ' . $filename);
            return true;
         * Moves a file
         * @param   string   $src         The path to the source file
         * @param   string   $dest        The path to the destination file
         * @param   string   $path        An optional base path to prefix to the file names
         * @param   boolean  $useStreams  True to use streams
         * @return  boolean  True on success
         * @since   1.0
         * @throws  FilesystemException
        public static function move($src, $dest, $path = '', $useStreams = false)
            if ($path)
                $src  = Path::clean($path . '/' . $src);
                $dest = Path::clean($path . '/' . $dest);
            // Check src path
            if (!is_readable($src))
                return 'Cannot find source file.';
            if ($useStreams)
                $stream = Stream::getStream();
                if (!$stream->move($src, $dest, null, false))
                    throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $stream->getError());
                return true;
            if (!@ rename($src, $dest))
                throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': Rename failed.');
            return true;
         * Write contents to a file
         * @param   string   $file          The full file path
         * @param   string   $buffer        The buffer to write
         * @param   boolean  $useStreams    Use streams
         * @param   boolean  $appendToFile  Append to the file and not overwrite it.
         * @return  boolean  True on success
         * @since   1.0
        public static function write($file, &$buffer, $useStreams = false, $appendToFile = false)
            // If the destination directory doesn't exist we need to create it
            if (!file_exists(\dirname($file)))
            if ($useStreams)
                $stream = Stream::getStream();
                // Beef up the chunk size to a meg
                $stream->set('chunksize', (1024 * 1024));
                $stream->writeFile($file, $buffer, $appendToFile);
                return true;
            $file = Path::clean($file);
            // Set the required flag to only append to the file and not overwrite it
            if ($appendToFile === true)
                $res = \is_int(file_put_contents($file, $buffer, \FILE_APPEND));
                $res = \is_int(file_put_contents($file, $buffer));
            return $res;
         * Moves an uploaded file to a destination folder
         * @param   string   $src         The name of the php (temporary) uploaded file
         * @param   string   $dest        The path (including filename) to move the uploaded file to
         * @param   boolean  $useStreams  True to use streams
         * @return  boolean  True on success
         * @since   1.0
         * @throws  FilesystemException
        public static function upload($src, $dest, $useStreams = false)
            // Ensure that the path is valid and clean
            $dest = Path::clean($dest);
            // Create the destination directory if it does not exist
            $baseDir = \dirname($dest);
            if (!is_dir($baseDir))
            if ($useStreams)
                $stream = Stream::getStream();
                if (!$stream->upload($src, $dest, null, false))
                    throw new FilesystemException(sprintf('%1$s(%2$s, %3$s): %4$s', __METHOD__, $src, $dest, $stream->getError()));
                return true;
            if (is_writable($baseDir) && move_uploaded_file($src, $dest))
                // Short circuit to prevent file permission errors
                if (Path::setPermissions($dest))
                    return true;
                throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': Failed to change file permissions.');
            throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': Failed to move file.');
         * Invalidate any opcache for a newly written file immediately, if opcache* functions exist and if this was a PHP file.
         * @param   string  $file  The path to the file just written to, to flush from opcache
         * @return void
        public static function invalidateFileCache($file)
            if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate'))
                $info = pathinfo($file);
                if (isset($info['extension']) && $info['extension'] === 'php')
                    // Force invalidation to be absolutely sure the opcache is cleared for this file.
                    opcache_invalidate($file, true);
    à la ligne 330 il ya
    // Force invalidation to be absolutely sure the opcache is cleared for this file.
    opcache_invalidate($file, true);​​​

    en mettant le rapport d'erreur au maximum une autre erreur
    Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property plgContentGPXTrackMap::$_gtmversion is deprecated in /home/site/www/plugins/content/gpxtrackmap/gpxtrackmap.php on line 52
    voici le fichier gpxtrackmap.php (je suppose que c'est ce fichier qui déclenche l'erreur)

     * @author
     *  @Copyright
     *  @package     GPXTrackMap - GPX track display on maps using the OpenLayers API - Content Plugin for Joomla 2.5 and 3.x
     *  @author      Frank Ingermann - info@frankingermann.de
     *  @version     1.4.1 - 06-Sept-2017
     *  @link        http://software.frankingermann.de/gpxtrackmap
     *  @license GNU/GPL
     *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     *  (at your option) any later version.
     *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     *  GNU General Public License for more details.
     *  For the GNU General Public License, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
     *  Code and idea are based on the great "Simple Image Gallery Extended" (SIGE) plugin
     *  by Viktor Vogel: http://joomla-extensions.kubik-rubik.de/sige-simple-image-gallery-extended
     *  Thanks, Viktor!
    // ajout pour migration vers Joomla 4
    use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder as JFolder;
    use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File as JFile;
    use Joomla\Archive\Archive as JArchive;
    defined('_JEXEC') or die;
    // V1.2.2 fix for J 3.1.4:
    class plgContentGPXTrackMap extends JPlugin {
      protected $_params;
      protected $_absolute_path;
      protected $_rootfolder; // WITH / at end
      protected $_rootpath; // WITHOUT / at end
      protected $_live_site;
      protected $_plugin_dir;
      protected $_markers_dir;
      protected $_warnings;
      function __construct(&$subject, $config)
        $this->_gtmversion = 'V1.4.1';
        $version = new JVersion();
        // test for Joomla 2.5 version. The plugin may also work on pre-2.5, but that's untested.
        // i'll leave out this check for the time being phase - otherwise nobody could test it under J != 2.5...
        //if($version->PRODUCT == 'Joomla!' AND $version->RELEASE != '2.5')
        //{ JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('PLG_CONTENT_GPXTRACKMAP_NEEDJ25'));
        //  return;
        // }
        parent::__construct($subject, $config);
        if (isset($_SESSION["gtmcount"])) { unset($_SESSION["gtmcount"]); }
        if (isset($_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"])) { unset($_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"]); }
      public function onContentPrepare($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart)
        // check for our trigger token. If it's not on this page: get outta here, don't waste valuable CPU time!
        if (!preg_match("@{gpxtrackmap}(.*){/gpxtrackmap}@Us", $article->text))
        { return true; }
        if (!isset($_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"]))
        { $_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"] = -1; }
        $this->_absolute_path = JPATH_SITE;
        $this->_live_site     = JURI::base();
        $this->_plugin_dir    = $this->_live_site.'plugins/content/gpxtrackmap/';
        $this->_markers_dir   = $this->_plugin_dir.'markers/';
        if (substr($this->_live_site, -1) == '/')
        { $this->_live_site = substr($this->_live_site, 0, -1); }
        // find all plugin calls on the page
        if(preg_match_all("@{gpxtrackmap}(.*){/gpxtrackmap}@Us", $article->text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) > 0)
          // pull in our language file (atm we only need it to localize the map layer names)
          $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
          $extension = 'plg_content_gpxtrackmap';
          $base_dir = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR;
          $language_tag = $lang->getTag();
          $reload = true;
          $lang->load($extension, $base_dir, $language_tag, $reload);
          $enablegooglemaps = $this->params->get('enablegooglemaps','0');
          // where are we?
          // load script template that will build the OpenLayer script part
          $scriptfn = $plginpath.'gpxtrackmap.js';
          if (!file_exists($scriptfn))
          { echo('<h2 style="color: red;"><em>GPXTrackMap Plugin error: Template script file '.$scriptfn.' not found!</em></h2>');
            return true;
          if (!isset($_SESSION["gtmcount"]))
          { $_SESSION["gtmcount"] = -1; }
          if ($_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"] == 0) // first call on page
            // the call to the openlayers api and the osm layer definitions: will be put in <head>,
            // but only once. it's a BIG chunk of code!
            // V1.1: the script urls are configurable for those that have OpenLayers.js on their server
            $scriptsrc_ol = $this->params->get('scriptsrc-ol');
            $scriptsrc_osm = $this->params->get('scriptsrc-osm');
            $scriptsrc_gm = $this->params->get('scriptsrc-gm');
            //TODO: fix URL on non-local servers!
            // V1.3.2 no longer needed: $scriptsrc_hbl = $this->_plugin_dir."hikebikelayer.js";
            // revert to defaults if blank:
            // V1.4.0 use scripts deployed with the plugin as default
            //OLD: if ($scriptsrc_ol=="")  { $scriptsrc_ol  = "http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js"; }
            if ($scriptsrc_ol=="")  { $scriptsrc_ol  = "/plugins/content/OpenLayers.2.13.2.full.js"; }
            //OLD: if ($scriptsrc_osm=="") { $scriptsrc_osm = "http://www.openstreetmap.org/openlayers/OpenStreetMap.js"; }
            if ($scriptsrc_osm=="") { $scriptsrc_osm = "/plugins/content/OpenStreetMap.js"; }
            if ($scriptsrc_gm=="")  { $scriptsrc_gm  = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3&amp;sensor=false"; }
            $head_js = '<script src="'.$scriptsrc_ol.'"></script>'."\n".
                       '<script src="'.$scriptsrc_osm.'"></script>'."\n";
            // V1.3.2 no longer needed:            '<script src="'.$scriptsrc_hbl.'"></script>'."\n";
            // only if Google Maps are explicitly enabled: link in their API
            // this is also configurable in case the Google guys should change their url...
            if ($enablegooglemaps==1)
            { $head_js .= '<script src="'.$scriptsrc_gm.'"></script>'."\n"; }
            $document = JFactory::getDocument();
            if ($document instanceof JDocumentHTML)
            { $document->addCustomTag($head_js);  // put the calls in the <head> tag of the page
              // CSS fix for Joomla 3 and some J2.5 templates: setting width and height for img tags can distort
              // the map and diagram displays; disable those stylings for the track map:
              $head_css = '<style type="text/css"> div.gpxtrack div.olMap img, div.gpxtrack div.olMap svg {max-width: inherit ! important;} '.
                          'div.gpxtrack img.olTileImage {max-width: 1000px ! important;} '.
                          'div.gpxtrack div.olControlLayerSwitcher label {display: inline; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; border-top: 2px; } '.
                          'div.gpxtrack input.olButton {margin-right: 3px; margin-top: 0px;}</style>'."\n";
          if (!$this->params->get('gpxroot'))
          { $this->_rootfolder = '/images/gpxtracks/'; }
          {  $this->_rootfolder = $this->params->get('gpxroot');
             if (substr($this->_rootfolder, -1) !== '/') {
               $this->_rootfolder = $this->_rootfolder . '/'; }
          $this->_rootpath = substr($this->_rootfolder,0,strlen($this->_rootfolder)-1);
          // now loop through all invocations we found:
          foreach($matches[0] as $match)
            $scripttext = file_get_contents( $scriptfn );
            // increase our session's invocation counter.
            $gtmcode=''; // this will make up all of the code to replace the {gpxtrackmap}...{/gpxtrackmap} 'invocation' code in the end
            $gpx_code  = preg_replace("@{.+?}@", "", $match);
            $gpx_array = explode(",", $gpx_code);  // syntax is filename[,param1=value1[,param2=value2[...]]]
            $gpx_file  = $gpx_array[0]; // first param must be the gpx filename or url
            // V1.2.3 gpx files via URL support
            if (substr_compare($gpx_file,'http://',0,7) == 0) {
              $externalgpx = 1;
              $gpx_path  = $gpx_file;
              $gpx_file  = parse_url($gpx_file,PHP_URL_PATH);  
              $localpath = parse_url($this->_live_site,PHP_URL_PATH);
              $gpx_file  = substr($gpx_file,strlen($localpath));
              $gpx_filepath = $this->_absolute_path.$gpx_file;
              $path_parts = pathinfo($gpx_file);
              $gpx_file = $path_parts['basename'];
              $gpx_dir = $this->_absolute_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path_parts['dirname'].'/';          
              $gpx_basepath = $this->_live_site.$path_parts['dirname'].'/';
            } else {
              $externalgpx = 0;
              $gpx_dir = $this->_absolute_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->_rootfolder;
              $gpx_basepath = $this->_live_site.$this->_rootfolder;
              $gpx_path  = $gpx_basepath.$gpx_file;
              $gpx_filepath = $this->_absolute_path.$this->_rootfolder.$gpx_file;
            if (! JFile::exists($gpx_filepath))
              $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>GPXTrackMap Plugin error: GPX file "'.$this->_rootfolder.$gpx_file.'" not found!</em></h2>';
              unset($this->_params);    // if this is the 2nd, 3rd... call: clear previous params
              $this->_params = array(); // we want a fresh, empty array of params for this run
              if(count($gpx_array) >= 2) //more params then just the gpx filename passed
              {  for($i = 1; $i < count($gpx_array); $i++) //starting with the first one AFTER the filename...
                  {   $parameter_temp = explode("=", $gpx_array[$i]);
                  if(count($parameter_temp) >= 2) //the params should have item=value syntax, lowercase their names:
                      {  $this->_params[strtolower(trim($parameter_temp[0]))] = trim($parameter_temp[1]); }
              $this->collectParams(); // see below - gets all params, either from the current invocation or the defaults from the Backend-params
              $tpldir = substr($plginpath,0,-1);
              if (!isset($this->_params['tpl'])) { $this->_params['tpl'] = $this->params->get('tpldefault'); }
              $tpl = $this->_params['tpl'];
              switch ($tpl)
                case (1): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl1'); break; }
                case (2): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl2'); break; }
                case (3): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl3'); break; }
                case (4): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl4'); break; }
                case (5): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl5'); break; }
                case (6): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl6'); break; } // V1.1.4 added
                default:  {
                  // V1.2.2: if $tpl is not an integer, assume it's a directly supplied path to the template file:
                  if (!ctype_digit($tpl)) {
                    $tplfn = $tpl; }
              $templateDir = JPATH_SITE.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate();
              // localize template dir -> /plugins/content/gpxtrackmap/de-DE/
              $lngtag = $lang->getTag();
              $tpldir_local = $tpldir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$lngtag;
              $dirs = array($tpldir_local,JPATH_SITE/*$this->_live_site*/.$this->_rootfolder.$lngtag,$templateDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$lngtag);
              $phs = array('%PLUGINDIR%','%GPXDIR%','%TEMPLATEDIR%');
              // replace %TEMPLATES% placeholder in filenames with the plugin dir path
              $tplfn_local = str_replace($phs,$dirs,$tplfn);
              //TODO: add placeholder %GPXDIR% with the /images/gpxtracks directory? could be an easy way for security risks, though...
              // if template file is not found in the localized dir, try the plugin root dir as default
              if (!file_exists($tplfn_local)) {
               $dirs = array($tpldir,JPATH_SITE/*$this->_live_site*/.$this->_rootpath,$templateDir);
               $tplfn = str_replace($phs,$dirs,$tplfn);
              } else {
                 $tplfn = $tplfn_local;
              $tplfn = strtr( $tplfn , '\\', '/');
              if (!file_exists($tplfn))
                $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>GPXTrackMap Plugin error: Layout template file "'.$tplfn.'" not found, using default layout.</em></h2>';
                $tpltext =
                  '<div class="gpxtrack">'.
                  '<div class="gpxtrackinfo"><p>%TRACKPOINTS% trackpoints; distance: %DISTANCE-KM% km; time: %DURATION%</p></div>'.
                  '<div class="gpxtrackmap">%TRACKMAP%</div>'.
                  '<div class="gpxtrackdiagram">%TRACKDIAGRAM%</div>'.
                  '<div class="gpxtracklink">%TRACKLINK%</div>'.
              } else {
                $tpltext = file_get_contents( $tplfn );
              $mapvar = 'map'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"]; // all maps need a unique var and ID
              // this should translate the "Base layer" caption in the layer switcher, but it just translates the hint... oh well...
              $baselayer = "{'title': ".'"'.JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_BASELAYER").'"}';
              // Map controls for Zooming/panning/switching layers
              $mapcontrols = '';
              // another option would be 'new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel(),' ...
              if ($this->_params['mapnav']       == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({documentDrag: true}),'."\n"; } // documentDrag allows dragging outside map box
              if ($this->_params['mappan']       == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar(),'."\n"; } // with pan arrows and zoom bar
              if ($this->_params['mapzoombtns']  == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom(),'."\n"; } // simple + - buttons
              if ($this->_params['mapswitch']    == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher('.$baselayer.'),'."\n"; }
              if ($this->_params['mapscale']     == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({geodesic:true,maxWidth:150}),'."\n"; } // , bottomOutUnits: "", bottomInUnits: "" ill hide lower display in [mi]
              if ($this->_params['mapoverview']  == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap(),'."\n"; }
              if ($this->_params['mapmousepos']  == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition(),'."\n"; }
              if ($this->_params['mapgraticule'] == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.Graticule({displayInLayerSwitcher: true, targetSize: 300,'."\n".
                'layerName: "'.JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPGRATICULE_LABEL").'",'."\n".
                'intervals: [ 45, 30, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 ] }),'."\n"; }
              // code to disable zooming with the mouse wheel
              if ($this->_params['mapwheelzoom'] == 1)
              { $nomousewheelzoom = ''; }
              { $nomousewheelzoom = 'controls = '.$mapvar.'.getControlsByClass(\'OpenLayers.Control.Navigation\');'."\n".
                                    'for(var i = 0; i < controls.length; ++i) controls[i].disableZoomWheel();'."\n"; }
              // layer definitions:
              // OSM Mapnik (default)
              $ldmapnik =   ' var layerMapnik = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik("'.
                            '"); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(layerMapnik); '."\n";
              // OSM Cyclemap
              // v1.4.1 configurable API key for Thunderforest map layers
              $ldTfApiKey = '';
              if ($this->_params['tfapikey'] != '') {
                $ldTfApiKey = '?apikey='.$this->_params['tfapikey'];
    // v1.4.0 removed http from all tile server URLs that allow access via https if available
              $ldcycle  =   "\n".
                            ' var layerCycleMap = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_OPENSTREETMAP_CYCLEMAP").'", ['."\n".
                            '{ attribution : \'maps &copy; <a href="http://thunderforest.com/">Thunderforest</a>,'.
                            ' data &copy; <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.
                            $mapvar.'.addLayer(layerCycleMap); '."\n"."\n";
              // OSM Mapnik DE, with colors that are more common in german map renderings:
              // V1.3.2 added crossOriginKeyword: null due to CORS issues
              $ldmapnikde = ' var layerMapnikDE = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_OPENSTREETMAP_MAPNIK_DE").'", ['."\n".
                            '{sphericalMercator: true, tileOptions : {crossOriginKeyword: null}}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(layerMapnikDE); '."\n";
              // Hike & Bike map - V1.3.2 hikebike url has changed, old URL: http://toolserver.org/tiles/hikebike/
              $ldhikebike = 'var layerHikeBike = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_OPENSTREETMAP_HIKEBIKE").'", "http://a.tiles.wmflabs.org/hikebike/",'."\n".
                            '{ type: \'png\', getURL: osm_getTileURL,'."\n".
                            ' displayOutsideMaxExtent: true, isBaseLayer: true, '."\n".
                            ' attribution: \'Map Data &copy; <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\','."\n".
                            ' transitionEffect: \'resize\' } ); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(layerHikeBike); '."\n";
                // V1.3.2 added:
              $ldtransport = ' var layerTransport = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_THUNDERFOREST_TRANSPORT").'", ['."\n".
                            '{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19, '.
                            'attribution : \'maps &copy; <a href="http://thunderforest.com/">Thunderforest</a>,'.
                            ' data &copy; <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.
                            '}); '.$mapvar.
                            '.addLayer(layerTransport); '."\n";
                // V1.3.2 added:
              $ldlandscape = ' var layerLandscape = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_THUNDERFOREST_LANDSCAPE").'", ['."\n".
                            '{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19,'.
                            'attribution : \'maps &copy; <a href="http://thunderforest.com/">Thunderforest</a>,'.
                            ' data &copy; <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.
                            '}); '.$mapvar.
                            '.addLayer(layerLandscape); '."\n";
                // V1.3.2 added:
              $ldoutdoors = ' var layerOutdoors = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_THUNDERFOREST_OUTDOORS").'", ['."\n".
                            '{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19,'.
                            'attribution : \'maps &copy; <a href="http://thunderforest.com/">Thunderforest</a>,'.
                            ' data &copy; <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.
                            '}); '.$mapvar.
                            '.addLayer(layerOutdoors); '."\n";
                // V1.3.2 added:
              $ldmapquest = ' var layerMapQuest = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_MAPQUEST").'", ['."\n".
                            '{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19, tileOptions : {crossOriginKeyword: null},'.
                            'attribution : \'Tiles Courtesy of <a href="http://www.mapquest.com/" target="_blank">MapQuest</a> <img src="http://developer.mapquest.com/content/osm/mq_logo.png">,'.
                            ' data &copy; <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.                        
                            '}); '.$mapvar.
                            '.addLayer(layerMapQuest); '."\n";
                // V1.3.2 added:
              $ldopentopo = ' var layerOpenTopo = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_OPENTOPOMAP").'", ['."\n".
                            '{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 18, '.
                            'attribution : \'map data &copy; <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors '.
                            '<a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>, '.
                            '<a href="http://viewfinderpanoramas.org">SRTM</a> | '.
                            'map style: &copy; <a href="https://opentopomap.org">OpenTopoMap</a> '.
                            '<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>\','.
                            'tileOptions : {crossOriginKeyword: null}}); '.$mapvar.
                            '.addLayer(layerOpenTopo); '."\n";
                // V1.3.2 added:                        
              $ldopnv     = ' var layerOPNV = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_MEMOMAPS_OPNV").'", ['."\n".
                            '{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19, tileOptions : {crossOriginKeyword: null},'.
                            'attribution : \'tiles &copy; <a href="http://memomaps.de/">MeMoMaps.de</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>,'.
                            ' map data &copy; <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>'.
                            '}); '.$mapvar.
                            '.addLayer(layerOPNV); '."\n";
    /* nice, but license status unknown...
              $ldcomic = ' var layerComicSans = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_OPENSTREETMAP_COMICSANS").'", ['."\n".
                            '{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19}); '.$mapvar.
                            '.addLayer(layerComicSans); '."\n";
                            // Google layers
              $ldgooglephy =' var gphy = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("'.
                            '",{type: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(gphy); '."\n";
              $ldgooglestr =' var gmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("'.
                            '", {numZoomLevels: 20}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(gmap); '."\n";
              $ldgooglehyb =' var ghyb = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("'.
                            '",  {type: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID, numZoomLevels: 20}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(ghyb); '."\n";
              $ldgooglesat =' var gsat = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("'.
                            '",{type: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE, numZoomLevels: 22}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(gsat); '."\n";
              // map metrics and layer
              $maplayer  = $this->_params['maplayer'];
              $maplayers = $this->_params['maplayers'];
              // V1.3.1 support for up to three custom map layers
              $ldcustom1 = '';
              $ldcustom2 = '';
              $ldcustom3 = '';
              $ldcustom1fn = $plginpath.'CustomMapLayer1.js';
              $ldcustom2fn = $plginpath.'CustomMapLayer2.js';
              $ldcustom3fn = $plginpath.'CustomMapLayer3.js';
              if (JFile::exists($ldcustom1fn))
              { $ldcustom1 = file_get_contents($ldcustom1fn);
                $ldcustom1 = str_replace('%MAPVAR%',$mapvar,$ldcustom1);
              if (JFile::exists($ldcustom2fn))
              { $ldcustom2 = file_get_contents($ldcustom2fn);
                $ldcustom2 = str_replace('%MAPVAR%',$mapvar,$ldcustom2);
              if (JFile::exists($ldcustom3fn))
              { $ldcustom3 = file_get_contents($ldcustom3fn);
                $ldcustom3 = str_replace('%MAPVAR%',$mapvar,$ldcustom3);
              // add the map layers, default layer first
              switch ($maplayer)
              { case(1): $maplayerscode = $ldcycle; break;
                case(2): $maplayerscode = $ldmapnikde; break;
                case(3): $maplayerscode = $ldhikebike; break;
                case(4): { if ($enablegooglemaps==1) { $maplayerscode = $ldgooglestr; } break; }
                case(5): { if ($enablegooglemaps==1) { $maplayerscode = $ldgooglephy; } break; }
                case(6): { if ($enablegooglemaps==1) { $maplayerscode = $ldgooglehyb; } break; }
                case(7): { if ($enablegooglemaps==1) { $maplayerscode = $ldgooglesat; } break; }
                case(8): { if ($ldcustom1=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom1fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
                           else { $maplayerscode = $ldcustom1; } break; }
                case(9): { if ($ldcustom2=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom2fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
                           else { $maplayerscode = $ldcustom2; } break; }
                case(10): { if ($ldcustom3=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom3fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
                            else { $maplayerscode = $ldcustom3; } break; }
                case(11): $maplayerscode = $ldtransport; break;
                case(12): $maplayerscode = $ldlandscape; break;
                case(13): $maplayerscode = $ldoutdoors; break;
                case(14): $maplayerscode = $ldmapquest; break;
                case(15): $maplayerscode = $ldopentopo; break;
                case(16): $maplayerscode = $ldopnv; break;
                default: $maplayerscode = $ldmapnik; break;
              if (is_array($maplayers))
              { foreach ($maplayers as $ml)
                { switch ($ml)
                  { case(0): { if (!($maplayer==0)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldmapnik;  } break; }
                    case(1): { if (!($maplayer==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldcycle;   } break; }
                    case(2): { if (!($maplayer==2)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldmapnikde;} break; }
                    case(3): { if (!($maplayer==3)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldhikebike;} break; }
                    case(4): { if (!($maplayer==4) and ($enablegooglemaps==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldgooglestr; } break; } // 2013-02-16 fix - str & hyb exchanged
                    case(5): { if (!($maplayer==5) and ($enablegooglemaps==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldgooglephy; } break; }
                    case(6): { if (!($maplayer==6) and ($enablegooglemaps==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldgooglehyb; } break; }
                    case(7): { if (!($maplayer==7) and ($enablegooglemaps==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldgooglesat; } break; }
                    case(8): { if (!($maplayer==8))
                              { if ($ldcustom1=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom1fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
                                else { $maplayerscode .= $ldcustom1; } } break;
                    case(9): { if (!($maplayer==9))
                              { if ($ldcustom2=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom2fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
                                else { $maplayerscode .= $ldcustom2; } } break;
                    case(10): { if (!($maplayer==10))
                               { if ($ldcustom3=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom3fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
                                 else { $maplayerscode .= $ldcustom3; } } break;
                    case(11): { if (!($maplayer==11)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldtransport;} break; }
                    case(12): { if (!($maplayer==12)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldlandscape;} break; }
                    case(13): { if (!($maplayer==13)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldoutdoors;} break; }
                    case(14): { if (!($maplayer==14)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldmapquest;} break; }
                    case(15): { if (!($maplayer==15)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldopentopo;} break; }
                    case(16): { if (!($maplayer==16)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldopnv;} break; }
              $hillshading = '';
    // V1.3.2 2014-12-21: Hillshading / HikeBikeMap on new server, numZoomLevels added
    // so hillshading layer will be hidden on large zoom instead of showing pink tiles.
    // This does not work in combination with Bing maps - the x/y/z get messed up, no idea why...        
    // OLD URL: http://toolserver.org/~cmarqu/hill/      
              if ($this->_params['maphillshading'] >= 1) {
                $hillshading = 'var hillshading = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("'.
                               '{type: \'png\', getURL: osm_getTileURL, displayOutsideMaxExtent: true, '."\n".
                               'isBaseLayer: false, numZoomLevels: 16, transparent: true, "visibility": true}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(hillshading); '."\n";
                // adding a second hillshading layer makes the effect more intense.
                if ($this->_params['maphillshading'] >= 2) {
                  $hillshading .= 'var hillshading2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("'.
                               JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPHILLSHADING_LABEL").' (2)",
                                  '{type: \'png\', getURL: osm_getTileURL, displayOutsideMaxExtent: true, '."\n".
                                  'isBaseLayer: false, numZoomLevels: 16, transparent: true, "visibility": true}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(hillshading2); '."\n";
              $markerpath = $this->_markers_dir;
              // optional markers at the start and end of the track
              $startmarkerfn = $this->markerFilename($this->_params['startmarker'],$this->_params['markerset']);
              $endmarkerfn   = $this->markerFilename($this->_params['endmarker'  ],$this->_params['markerset']);
              // if we have a marker, add the openlayer code to show it:
              // V1.2.3 fix: ...OR if waypoint marker symbols are enabled, they are on the same layer!
              if (($startmarkerfn=='') and ($endmarkerfn=='') and ($this->_params['wpshow'] == 0) and ($this->_params['wpsymbols'] == 0))
              { $markerlayer = '';
                $markercode  = ''; }
              { $markerlayer = ' layerMarkers'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].' = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("Marker"); '.
                                $mapvar.'.addLayer(layerMarkers'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].'); ';
                $markercode = '';
                if (!($startmarkerfn==''))
                { $markercode .=
                    ' var startpoint = this.features[0].geometry.components[0];'."\n".
                    ' var startsize = new OpenLayers.Size(21, 25);'."\n".
                    ' var startoffset = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(startsize.w/2), -startsize.h);'."\n".
                    ' var starticon = new OpenLayers.Icon("'.$markerpath.$startmarkerfn.'",startsize,startoffset);'."\n".
                    ' layerMarkers'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].'.addMarker(new OpenLayers.Marker(new OpenLayers.LonLat(startpoint.x, startpoint.y),starticon));'."\n";
                if (!($endmarkerfn==''))
                { $markercode .=
                    ' var endpoint = this.features[0].geometry.components[this.features[0].geometry.components.length-1];'."\n".
                    ' var endsize = new OpenLayers.Size(21, 25);'."\n".
                    ' var endoffset = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(endsize.w/2), -endsize.h);'."\n".
                    ' var endicon = new OpenLayers.Icon("'.$markerpath.$endmarkerfn.'",endsize,endoffset);'."\n".
                    ' layerMarkers'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].'.addMarker(new OpenLayers.Marker(new OpenLayers.LonLat(endpoint.x, endpoint.y),endicon));'."\n";
              switch ($this->_params['trackstyle'])
              { case(1): $trackdashstyle = '"dot"'; break;
                case(2): $trackdashstyle = '"dash"'; break;
                case(3): $trackdashstyle = '"dashdot"'; break;
                case(4): $trackdashstyle = '"longdash"'; break;
                case(5): $trackdashstyle = '"longdashdot"'; break;
                default: $trackdashstyle = '"solid"';
              switch ($this->_params['wpshow'])
              { case(1): $extractcode = 'extractWaypoints: true, extractRoutes: true, extractAttributes: true'; break;
                default: $extractcode = 'extractWaypoints: false, extractRoutes: true, extractAttributes: true';
              // V1.4.0: added option for fixed zoom level.
              if (($this->_params['zoomlevel'] > 0) and ($this->_params['zoomlevel'])<=20)
                $zoomcode = ' this.map.zoomToExtent(this.getDataExtent(),true);'; // needed to center the map
                $zoomcode .= ' this.map.zoomTo('.$this->_params['zoomlevel'].');'."\n";
              } else {
                // old behaviour (zoomlevel=0): This one will always auto-zoom on the track's extent:
                $zoomcode = ' this.map.zoomToExtent(this.getDataExtent(),true);'; // 2nd param= zoom to closest level
                // option to zoom back out one level when track is to "tight" in the boundaries of the auto-zoomed map.
                // zoomout is actually a zoomDELTA param, where zoomout=2 will zoom out twice, while zoomout=-1 will zoom IN once.
                // V1.1.4: fixed zoomout = 0 and 2nd for loop as provided by Amos.
                if (($this->_params['zoomout'] != 0) and (($this->_params['zoomout'])>-15) and ($this->_params['zoomout'])<15) // sanity check
                { $lvl = $this->_params['zoomout'];
                  if ($lvl > 0)
                  { for ($i=1; $i <= $lvl; $i++)
                    { $zoomcode .= ' this.map.zoomOut();'."\n"; } }
                  { for ($i=-1; $i >= $lvl; $i--)
                    { $zoomcode .= ' this.map.zoomIn();'."\n"; }
              $ticode= '';
              $edurl = '';
              $spdurl = '';
              // init
              $this->_params['haseledata'] = 0;
              $this->_params['hasspddata'] = 0;
              $wptcode = '';
              if (($this->_params['ti'] == 1) or ($this->_params['ed'] == 1) or ($this->_params['spd'] == 1) or ($this->_params['wpshow'] != 0))
                $tivars = $this->getGpxFileInfo($gpx_dir,$gpx_file);
                // V1.2.1 fix: if parsing found no <trk>, clear marker code:
                if ($tivars[2] == 0) {
                  $markercode = '';
                if (($this->_params['wpshow'] == 1) and ($tivars['wptcount'] > 0)) { // V1.2.2 fix: waypoints would show even when turned off
                  $wptcode = $this->makeWptCode($tivars['wptcount'],$tivars['wpts'],$mapvar,$_SESSION["gtmcount"]);
                $edurl = $this->_live_site.$this->_rootfolder.$tivars[0];
                $spdurl = $this->_live_site.$this->_rootfolder.$tivars[1];
                $edurl = $gpx_basepath.$tivars[0];
                $spdurl = $gpx_basepath.$tivars[1];
              } else {
                $tivars = array();
              // V1.3.0 allow selection of mootools or jQuery way of adding OnLoad events:
              if ($this->params->get('usejquery',0) == 1) {
                $windoweventcode = "jQuery(window).on('load',function()"; // jQuery
              } else {
                // code Joomla 3 $windoweventcode = "window.addEvent('load',function()"; // mootools
                $windoweventcode = "window.addEventListener('load',function()"; // plus de mootools
              $mapclass = 'gpxtrackmap'; // CSS class for the DIV tag the map is shown in
              $gpxlayername = 'GPX Track';
              // TODO: make mapclass and gpxlayername configurable
              // V1.2.1 beta 3 fix: replace blanks in gpx path with %20 for openlayers URL to the track
              $gpx_path = str_replace(' ', '%20', $gpx_path);
              // V1.3.3: fullscreen controls    
              $fsctrls = '';    
              $fsctrlsfn = '';
              if ( $this->_params['mapfullscreen'] == 1 ) {
                if ($this->_params['mappan'] == 1) {
                  $fsctrlsfn = $plginpath.'fullscreencontrols_navbar.html';
                } else {
                  $fsctrlsfn = $plginpath.'fullscreencontrols_buttons.html';
                if (file_exists($fsctrlsfn))
                  $fsctrls = file_get_contents($fsctrlsfn);
                  $scripttext = $scripttext."\n".$fsctrls;
              // placeholders in the script template:
                            '%MAPWIDTH%','%MAPHEIGHT%','%MAPFULLSCREEN_ENTER%','%MAPFULLSCREEN_EXIT%'); // V1.3.3 fullscreen toggle
              // what they will be replaced with:
              $repl = array($mapvar,$gpx_path,$nomousewheelzoom,$maplayerscode,$markerlayer,$gpxlayername,
                            JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPFULLSCREEN_EXIT")); // V1.3.3 fullscreen toggle
              // replace all the placeholders in the openlayer script template with the params:
              $mapcode = str_replace($srch,$repl,$scripttext);
              $mapcode .= '<div class="'.$mapclass.'"';
              if (($this->_params['mapwidth']!='0') OR ($this->_params['mapheight']!='0')) {
                $mapcode .= ' style="';
                if ($this->_params['mapwidth']!='0') {
                  $mapcode .= 'width:'.$this->_params['mapwidth'].'; ';
                if ($this->_params['mapheight']!='0') {
                  $mapcode .= 'height:'.$this->_params['mapheight'].'; ';
                $mapcode .= '"';
              $mapcode .= ' id="'.$mapvar.'"></div>';
              // optional track infos
              $tiplaceholders = array(// placeholders for the track info
              // elevation diagram
              $edcode = '';
              if (($this->_params['ed'] == 1) and ($this->_params['haseledata'] == 1)) {
                $edwidth = $this->_params['edwidth'];
                $edheight = $this->_params['edheight'];
                $edcode = '<img class="gpxtrackdiagram" src="'.$edurl.'"';
                if (($edwidth!='0') OR ($edheight!='0')) {
                  $edcode .= ' style="';
                  if ($edwidth!='0') {
                    $edcode .= 'width:'.$edwidth.' ! important; ';
                  if ($edheight!='0') {
                    $edcode .= ' height:'.$edheight.' ! important;';
                 $edcode .= '"';
                $edcode .=  "/>"."\n";
              // speed diagram
              $spdcode = '';
              if (($this->_params['spd'] == 1) and ($this->_params['hasspddata'] == 1)) {
                $spdwidth = $this->_params['spdwidth'];
                $spdheight = $this->_params['spdheight'];
                $spdcode = '<img class="gpxspeeddiagram" src="'.$spdurl.'"';
                if (($spdwidth!='0') OR ($spdheight!='0')) {
                  $spdcode .= ' style="';
                  if ($spdwidth!='0') {
                    $spdcode .= ' width:'.$spdwidth.' ! important;';
                  if ($spdheight!='0') {
                    $spdcode .= ' height:'.$spdheight.' ! important;';
                  $spdcode .= '"';
                $spdcode .=  "/>"."\n";
              // optional download link for the gpx file:
              $dlcode = '';
              if ($this->_params['dl'] == 1)
                if ($this->_params['dlzip']==1)
                { $zip_fn = $this->ziptrackfile($this->_rootfolder,$gpx_file);
                  if ($zip_fn)
                  { $gpx_path = $this->_live_site.$zip_fn; } // otherwise (sthg went wrong zipping) leave .gpx file...
                $dltext = str_replace('%s',basename($gpx_path),$this->_params['dltext']);
                $cssstyle = '';
                if (!($this->_params['dlstyle']==''))
                { $cssstyle = ' style="'.$this->_params['dlstyle'].'"'; }
                // problem if you don't use the zip option: click on button will leave the page and show the gpx file contents in the browser.
                // if text link is used, it will at least open it in a new tab, but still display the file contents. hmmm.
                if ($this->_params['dltype']==0) // text link
                { $dlcode = '<div class="'.$this->_params['dlclass'].'"'.$cssstyle.'>'.
                            '<a href="'.$gpx_path.'" type="application/gpx+xml" download="'.$gpx_file.'" target="_blank">'.$dltext.'</a></div>';
                  //v1.2.3 the MIMEtype and download clause _should_ force browsers to download the gpx file instead of displaying it,
                  // but this still doesn't work in all browsers. So it's still best to use the ZIP option...
                } else {
                $dlcode = '<form class="'.$this->_params['dlclass'].'"'.$cssstyle.'><input type="button" value="'.$dltext.'" '.
                              'onclick="window.location.href='."'".$gpx_path."'".'" /></form>';
              // now place the different parts (map, trackinfos, elevation diagram, download link) into the html template:
              $gtmcode = $tpltext;
              // replace placeholders for the track info elements
              $gtmcode = str_replace($tiplaceholders,$tivars,$gtmcode );
              // replace placeholders for the map, elevation diagram, speed diagram and download link
              $placeholders = array('%TRACKMAP%','%TRACKDIAGRAM%','%SPEEDDIAGRAM%','%TRACKDOWNLOAD%');
              $vars = array($mapcode,$edcode,$spdcode,$dlcode);
              $gtmcode = str_replace($placeholders,$vars,$gtmcode );
              $gtmcode = '<!-- GPXTrackmap '.$this->_gtmversion.' #'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].' START -->'."\n".$gtmcode."\n".'<!-- GPXTrackmap #'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].' END -->'."\n";
            } // if !gpxfile exists..else
            // ok - ready for injection:
            if ((!$this->_warnings=='') AND ($this->_params['showwarnings']==1)) // V1.3.1 option to turn off warnings
            { $gtmcode = '<p style="color:yellow; background:red;">'.
                               'GPXTrackMap plugin warnings:<br />'.
                                $this->_warnings.'</p>'.$gtmcode; }
            $regex = "@(<p>)?{gpxtrackmap}".$gpx_code."{/gpxtrackmap}(</p>)?@s";
            // replace the invoking code with the openlayer js code
            // and the DIV for the map in the article text:
            $article->text = preg_replace($regex, $gtmcode, $article->text);
            unset($gpx_array); // for next loop if we have multiple maps on the page
            $this->_warnings = '';
          } // foreach match
        } // if <matches found>
      private function collectParams()
        $names = array(
        // expand any preset in the call to its full set of params
        // add in everything that was not in the invocation OR in any of the templates from the back-end params - that is, apply defaults:
        foreach ($names as $name)
        { if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->_params))
          { $this->_params[$name] = $this->params->get($name); }
      private function expandPresets(&$syntaxparams,$backendpresets,$paramnames)
        // preset expansion: presets are processed one by one, param by param
        // when multiple presets are used, the last found setting will "win" -
        // but individual settings in the call will always win over any preset setting(!)
        $presets = explode("\n",$backendpresets);
        foreach ($syntaxparams as $key => $value)
          if (($key=='preset') or ($key=='ps')) // $value holds a single preset name OR "tname1-tname2-tname3"
            $psetcalls = explode('-',$value); // preset=t1-t2-t3 -> [t1] [t2] [t3]
            foreach ($psetcalls as $psetcall) // apply each preset in the order of appearance
              $psetcall = strtolower(trim($psetcall));
              $tfound = 0;
              foreach ($presets as $presetline) // test each preset call against each preset we have
                if (trim($presetline) !== '') {
                  $p = strpos($presetline,':'); // split preset line into preset name and params: where's the ":"??
                  if ($p === false) // "presets" lines from the backend must have "<name>:<params>" syntax, or it all won't work!
                  { $this->_warnings .= 'Syntax error in preset: '.$presetline.'<br />'."\n"; }
                  { $psetname = strtolower(trim(substr($presetline,0,$p))); //TODO: strtolower:OK, but trim+substr? REQUIRED??
                    $psetparams = substr($presetline,$p+1,strlen($presetline)); // see above...
                    if ($psetname==$psetcall) // gotcha! we found (one line of) our preset, apply its params!
                      $tfound += 1;
                      $tparams_values = explode(',',$psetparams); // preset params into "key=value" strings
                      foreach($tparams_values as $tparam_value)
                      { $key_value = explode('=',$tparam_value); // "key=value" into array[2]
                        $spname = strtolower(trim($key_value[0]));
                        // V1.1.4 fix: individual params should win over preset params, so only use
                        // the preset param if there was no other setting in the invocation:
                        if (!array_key_exists($spname, $syntaxparams)) {
                          $syntaxparams[$spname] = trim($key_value[1]);
              } //foreach presetline we have
              if ($tfound==0)
              { $this->_warnings .= 'unknown preset called: "'.$psetcall.'"<br />'."\n"; }
            } // foreach preset call we found
          } else
          { // $key was sthg. else than "preset" or "t":
            // reverse check here to see if there's any misspelled or unknown parameters in the params from the call:
            if (!in_array($key,$paramnames))
            { $this->_warnings .= 'unknown parameter: "'.$key.'"'."\n"; }
      private function getGpxFileInfo($filepath,$filename)
        $lat = array();
        $lon = array();
        $ele = array();
        $dist = array();
        $distdelta = array(); // in km: distance delta between two trackpoints
        $tim = array();
        $speed = array();  // in km/h
        $hr = array();  // heart rate
        $cad = array(); // cadence
        $atemp = array(); // temperature
        $wpts = array(); // waypoints
        $n = 0;
        // get all the waypoint's data: min/max elevation, start and end time, coords
        $found_ele = 0;  // flags if we found any elevation tags
        $found_time = 0; // flags if we found any time tags
        $found_wpts = 0;
        // V1.2.1 fix: properly initialize speeds, the may be left undefined otherwise:
        $avgspeeddown_kmh = '';
        $avgspeeddown_mph = '';
        $avgspeeddown_kn = '';
        $avgspeedup_kmh = '';
        $avgspeedup_mph = '';
        $avgspeedup_kn = '';
    /* work in progress: read heart rate, cadence and temperature curves
        $found_hr = 0; // flags if we found any heart rate (hr) tags in TrackPointExtension subtags
        $found_cad = 0; // flags if we found any cadence (cad) tags
        $found_atemp = 0; // flags if we found any cadence (cad) tags
        $ts = 0;
        if (! JFile::exists($filepath.$filename))
          return array ();
        /* 2016-12-27 added "@" to suppress gpxx Namespace Warnings thrown by simplexml_load_file */
        $gpx = @simplexml_load_file($filepath.$filename);
        $starttime = 0;
        $endtime = 0;
        foreach ($gpx->trk as $trk) {
          //V1.2.5 auto track color from Garmin files
    //    <extensions>
    //      <gpxx:TrackExtension>
    //        <gpxx:DisplayColor>DarkGray</gpxx:DisplayColor>
    //      </gpxx:TrackExtension>
    //    </extensions>
    //      if ($this->_params['trackcolor']=='auto') {
    //        foreach ($trk->extensions as $trkexts) {
    //          foreach ($trkexts->gpxx:TrackExtension as $trkext) {
    //          }
    //        }
    //      }
          foreach ($trk->trkseg as $trkseg) {
            foreach ($trkseg->trkpt as $tpt) {
              $attrs = $tpt->attributes();
              $lat[$n] = (float)$attrs['lat'];
              $lon[$n] = (float)$attrs['lon'];
              if ((float)$tpt->ele != 0) {
                $ele[$n] = (float)$tpt->ele;
                $found_ele = 1;
              } else {
                $ele[$n] = 0;
              $ts = $tpt->time;
              if ((string)$ts != '') {
                $found_time = 1;
                $tim[$n] = $this->getGPXTime($ts); // V1.1.4
              } else {
                $tim[$n] = 0;
              if ($n == 0) {
                $minele_m = $ele[$n];
                $maxele_m = $ele[$n];
                $starttime = $this->getGPXTime($ts);
              } else {
                if ($ele[$n] < $minele_m) { $minele_m = $ele[$n]; }
                if ($ele[$n] > $maxele_m) { $maxele_m = $ele[$n]; }
              // V1.1.4 experimental: read temp, heart rate, cadence from Strava GPX file
              foreach ($tpt->extensions as $tpext) {
                foreach ($tpext->children('gpxtpx',TRUE) as $gpxtpx) { // <gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>
                  foreach ($gpxtpx->children('gpxtpx',TRUE) as $gpxtpxelement) {
                    switch ($gpxtpxelement->getName())
                     case ('hr')   : $hr[$n]    = (float)$gpxtpxelement; $found_hr = 1; break; // <gpxtpx:hr>
                     case ('cad')  : $cad[$n]   = (float)$gpxtpxelement; $found_cad = 1; break; // <gpxtpx:cad>
                     case ('atemp'): $atemp[$n] = (float)$gpxtpxelement; $found_atemp = 1; break; // <gpxtpx:atemp>
        if ($n > 0) {
          $endtime = $this->getGPXTime($ts);
        // read Waypoint data if popups are activated
        $wptcount = 0;
        if ($this->_params['wppopups'] !== 0)
          foreach ($gpx->wpt as $wpt) {
            $found_wpts = 1;
            $attrs = $wpt->attributes();
            $wptlat = (float)$attrs['lat'];
            $wptlon = (float)$attrs['lon'];
            if ((string)$wpt->time != '') {
              $wpttime = $this->getGPXTime($wpt->time);
            } else {
              $wpttime = '';
            if ((string)$wpt->ele != '') {
              $wptele = (float)$wpt->ele;
            } else {
              $wptele = '';
            if ((string)$wpt->sym != '') {
              $wptsym = (string)$wpt->sym; // 'Flag, Green' or similar - currently not used
            } else {
              $wptsym = '';
            $wptname = (string)$wpt->name;
            $wptdesc = strtr((string)$wpt->desc,'"','\"');
            if ($wptdesc == '') {
              $wptdesc = strtr((string)$wpt->description,'"','\"');
            //V1.2.3: since Basecamp doesn't allow HTML in waypoint descriptions,
            // BBCode can allow at least some basic formatting:
            if ($this->_params['wppopupdescbb'] == 1) {
              $bbcode = array(
                "/\[br\]/is" => "<br />",
                "/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/is" => "<strong>$1</strong>",
                "/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/is" => "<u>$1</u>",
                "/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/is" => "<i>$1</i>",
                "/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/is" => "<pre>$1</pre>",
                "/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/is" => "<blockquote>$1</blockquote>",
                "/\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/is" => "<a href='$1' target='_self'>$2</a>",
                "/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/is" => "<img src='$1' alt='' />"
              $wptdesc = preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode), array_values($bbcode), $wptdesc);        
            $wptlinks = '';
            $linkno = 1;
            foreach ($wpt->link as $wptlink) {
              $attrs = $wptlink->attributes();
              $wpthref = (string)$attrs['href'];
              $wptlinks .= $wpthref."\n";
              if ($this->_params['wppopupdescbb'] == 1) {
                $bbcode = array(
                  "/\[link".$linkno."\](.*?)\[\/link".$linkno."\]/is" => "<a href='".$wpthref."' target='_blank'>$1</a>");
                $wptdesc = preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode), array_values($bbcode), $wptdesc);          
              $linkno += 1;
            $wpts[] = array('lat' => $wptlat,
                            'lon' => $wptlon,
                            'ele' => $wptele,
                            'time' => $wpttime,
                            'name' => $wptname,
                            'desc' => $wptdesc,
                            'sym' => $wptsym,
                            'links' => $wptlinks);
            $wptcount += 1;
        // calculate the track length
        // source: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Aighes/GPX-Track_auf_Website
        $r0 = 6371.0; // earth radius in [km]
        $distance_km = 0.0;
        $duration_moving = 0;
        $duration_paused = 0;
        if ($n > 0) {
          for ($i = 0; $i < ($n-1); $i++) {
            $a = 0;
            $b = 0;
            $c = 0;
            $distdelta[$i] = 0.0;
            $speed[$i] = 0.0;
            if (($lat[$i] !== $lat[$i+1]) and ($lon[$i] !== $lon[$i+1])) {
              $a = deg2rad(90.0 - $lat[$i]);
              $b = deg2rad(90.0 - $lat[$i+1]);
              $gamma = deg2rad(abs($lon[$i+1] - $lon[$i]));
              $c = $r0 * acos(cos($a)*cos($b) + sin($a)*sin($b)*cos($gamma));
              $distdelta[$i] = $c;
              $distance_km += $c;
              // the speed calculation is problematic when the trackpoint recording frequency is high,
              // since the timestamps only resolve to seconds.
              if ($found_time == 1) {
                if ((abs($tim[$i]-$tim[$i+1])>1) and ($c != 0.0)) {
                  $speed[$i] = $c / ($tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i]) * 60 * 60;
                } else {
                  // if distance is less or equal 1s, try to use the trackpoint before the current one to have better accuracy.
                  // not an optimal solution either, but better than calculating with 1s intervals...
                  if (($i>0) and (abs($tim[$i-1]-$tim[$i+1])>1) and ($c != 0.0)) {
                    $speed[$i] = ($distdelta[$i-1]+$c) / ($tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i-1]) * 60 * 60;
                if ($speed[$i] > $this->_params['timovespeed']) { // default: 2.0 km/h
                  $duration_moving += $tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i];
                } else {
                  $duration_paused += $tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i];
            $dist[$i] = $distance_km;
          // fill up last array indexes:
          $dist[$n-1] = $distance_km;
          $distdelta[$n-1] = 0.0;
          $speed[$n-1] = 0.0;
          $dist[$n] = $distance_km;
          $distdelta[$n] = 0.0;
          $speed[$n] = 0.0;
          // anti-alias speed:
          if ($this->_params['spdfilterorder'] > 1) {
            $speed = $this->filterSignal($speed,$n,$this->_params['spdfilterorder']);
        } // if n>0
        $m_ft = 1 / 0.3048;
        $kmh_mph = 1 / 1.609;
        $kmh_kn = 1 / 1.852;
        // average distance of two trackpoints
        // fix for error reported by Steve in the forum on 2013-02-13: GPX files w/o any waypoints
        // can report $n = 0, that again would cause a "div by 0" error in the following:
        if ($n>0) {
          $tpdistance_m = round($distance_km / $n * 1000,2);
        } else {
          $tpdistance_m = 0;
        $tpdistance_ft = round($tpdistance_m * $m_ft,2);
        // round distances - more precision would be pretentious :-)
        $distance_mi = round($distance_km * $kmh_mph, 1);
        $distance_nm = round($distance_km * $kmh_kn, 1); // V1.1.4 added nautical miles
        $distance_km = round($distance_km, 1);
        $maxspeed_kmh = 0.0;
        for ($i=0; $i < ($n-1); $i++) {
          if ($speed[$i] > $maxspeed_kmh) {
            $maxspeed_kmh = $speed[$i];
        // V1.1.4: same for the max. speed
        $maxspeed_mph = round($maxspeed_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
        $maxspeed_kn = round($maxspeed_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
        $maxspeed_kmh = round($maxspeed_kmh, 1);
        // add up/down meters
        $maxspeedup_kmh = 0.0;
        $maxspeeddown_kmh = 0.0;
        if ($found_ele == 1)
          $up_m   = 0.0;
          $down_m = 0.0;
          $timeup = 0; // seconds
          $timedown = 0;
          $distup = 0.0; // km
          $distdown = 0.0;
          // Note: summing up the up/down deltas is not a very good way to calculate the up/down meters, if the elevation data has
          // a lot of "jitter" or "ripple" - so the results will not be very exact.
          // one option is to use tools like GPSBabel to filter the GPX track to get better accuracy.
          // in a first attempt we can do some optional "anti-aliasing" of rippled elevation data with a filter of a given order:
          // (note: Garmin Basecamp e.g. doesn't do any filtering here and happily reports the same values as with order 0 or 1 (= no filtering).
          // Magic Maps even reports MORE up/down meters (?!?) than the simple delta addition... no idea how they come up with THAT...)
          if ($this->_params['edfilterorder'] > 1) {
            $ele = $this->filterSignal($ele,$n,$this->_params['edfilterorder']);
          for ($i=0; $i < ($n-1); $i++) {
            if ($ele[$i] < $ele[$i+1]) {
              $up_m += $ele[$i+1] - $ele[$i];
              if ($found_time == 1) {
                if ($speed[$i] > $maxspeedup_kmh) {
                 $maxspeedup_kmh = $speed[$i];
                $timeup += $tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i];
                $distup += $distdelta[$i];
            if ($ele[$i] > $ele[$i+1]) {
              $down_m += $ele[$i] - $ele[$i+1];
              if ($found_time == 1) {
                if ($speed[$i] > $maxspeeddown_kmh) {
                 $maxspeeddown_kmh = $speed[$i];
                $timedown += $tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i];
                $distdown += $distdelta[$i];
          if (($timedown>0) and ($distdown>0.0)) {
            $avgspeeddown_kmh = $distdown / $timedown * 60 * 60;
            $avgspeeddown_mph = round($avgspeeddown_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
            $avgspeeddown_kn = round($avgspeeddown_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
            $avgspeeddown_kmh = round($avgspeeddown_kmh, 1);
          if (($timeup>0) and ($distup>0.0)) {
            $avgspeedup_kmh = $distup / $timeup * 60 * 60;
            $avgspeedup_mph = round($avgspeedup_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
            $avgspeedup_kn = round($avgspeedup_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
            $avgspeedup_kmh = round($avgspeedup_kmh, 1);
          $maxspeedup_mph = round($maxspeedup_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
          $maxspeedup_kn = round($maxspeedup_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
          $maxspeedup_kmh = round($maxspeedup_kmh, 1);
          $maxspeeddown_mph = round($maxspeeddown_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
          $maxspeeddown_kn = round($maxspeeddown_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
          $maxspeeddown_kmh = round($maxspeeddown_kmh, 1);
          // round all elevations - don't pretend better accuracy than there actually is...
          $up_m   = round($up_m);
          $down_m = round($down_m);
          $minele_m = round($minele_m);
          $maxele_m = round($maxele_m);
          $deltaele_m = round($maxele_m-$minele_m);
          $up_ft   = round($up_m * $m_ft);
          $down_ft = round($down_m * $m_ft);
          $minele_ft = round($minele_m * $m_ft);
          $maxele_ft = round($maxele_m * $m_ft);
          $deltaele_ft = round( ($maxele_m-$minele_m) * $m_ft);
        //v1.2.3 fix: clear vars if ti=0
        if ( ($found_ele != 1) or ($this->_params['ti'] != 1) ) {
          $down_m = "n/a";
          $up_m   = "n/a";
          $minele_m = "n/a";
          $maxele_m = "n/a";
          $deltaele_m = "n/a";
          $down_ft = "n/a";
          $up_ft   = "n/a";
          $minele_ft = "n/a";
          $maxele_ft = "n/a";
          $deltaele_ft = "n/a";
          $avgspeedup_kmh = "n/a";
          $avgspeeddown_kmh = "n/a";
          $avgspeedup_mph = "n/a";
          $avgspeeddown_mph = "n/a";
          $avgspeedup_kn = "n/a";
          $avgspeeddown_kn = "n/a";
          $maxspeedup_kmh = "n/a";
          $maxspeeddown_kmh = "n/a";
          $maxspeedup_mph = "n/a";
          $maxspeeddown_mph = "n/a";
          $maxspeedup_kn = "n/a";
          $maxspeeddown_kn = "n/a";
        if ($found_time == 1) {
          $starttimestr = strftime($this->_params['tidatefmt'],$starttime);
          $endtimestr = strftime($this->_params['tidatefmt'],$endtime);
          $durationstr = strftime($this->_params['titimefmt'],$endtime-$starttime);
          $durationmovingstr = strftime($this->_params['titimefmt'],$duration_moving);
          $durationpausedstr = strftime($this->_params['titimefmt'],$duration_paused);
          if ($endtime !== $starttime) { // avoids div by 0
            $avgspeed_kmh = round($distance_km / ($endtime-$starttime) * 60 * 60,1);
            $avgspeed_mph = round($distance_mi / ($endtime-$starttime) * 60 * 60,1);
            $avgspeed_kn = round($distance_nm / ($endtime-$starttime) * 60 * 60,1);
          } else {
            $avgspeed_kmh = "n/a";
            $avgspeed_mph = "n/a";
            $avgspeed_kn = "n/a";
          if ($duration_moving > 0) { // avoids div by 0
            $avgspeedmoving_kmh = round($distance_km / ($duration_moving) * 60 * 60,1);
            $avgspeedmoving_mph = round($distance_mi / ($duration_moving) * 60 * 60,1);
            $avgspeedmoving_kn = round($distance_nm / ($duration_moving) * 60 * 60,1);
          } else {
            $avgspeedmoving_kmh = "n/a";
            $avgspeedmoving_mph = "n/a";
            $avgspeedmoving_kn = "n/a";
        if ( ($found_time != 1) or ($this->_params['ti'] != 1) ) {
          $starttimestr = "n/a";
          $endtimestr = "n/a";
          $durationstr = "n/a";
          $durationmovingstr = "n/a"; // V1.2.0 beta 2 fix
          $durationpausedstr = "n/a";
          $avgspeed_kmh = "n/a";
          $avgspeed_mph = "n/a";
          $avgspeed_kn = "n/a";
          $avgspeedmoving_kmh = "n/a"; // V1.2.0 beta 2 fix
          $avgspeedmoving_mph = "n/a";
          $avgspeedmoving_kn = "n/a";
          $maxspeed_kmh = "n/a";
          $maxspeed_mph = "n/a";
          $maxspeed_kn = "n/a";
        if (($found_ele == 1) and ($this->_params['ed'] == 1)) {
          $this->_params['haseledata'] = 1;
          // V1.1.4: option to show units in m or ft in elevation diagram
          $elediagfn = $this->renderDiagram($dist,$ele,$n,$minele_m,$maxele_m,$distance_km,$this->_params['edunits'],$filepath,$filename,'',
          if ($elediagfn == "") {
            $this->_warnings .= 'Unable to write svg file into folder '.$filepath.'. Please check write permissions!'."\n";
        } else {
          $elediagfn = '';
        // V1.1.4: option to show speed diagram
        if (($found_time == 1) and ($this->_params['spd'] == 1)) {
          $this->_params['hasspddata'] = 1;
          $spddiagfn = $this->renderDiagram($dist,$speed,$n,0.0,$maxspeed_kmh,$distance_km,$this->_params['spdunits'],$filepath,$filename,'_speed',
        } else {
          $spddiagfn = '';
        $sep = $this->_params['tidecimalsep'];
        if ($sep !== '.') {
          $distance_km = str_replace('.',$sep,$distance_km);
          $distance_mi = str_replace('.',$sep,$distance_mi);
          $distance_nm = str_replace('.',$sep,$distance_nm);
          $up_m  = str_replace('.',$sep,$up_m);
          $down_m  = str_replace('.',$sep,$down_m);
          $minele_m  = str_replace('.',$sep,$minele_m);
          $maxele_m  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxele_m);
          $deltaele_m  = str_replace('.',$sep,$deltaele_m);
          $up_ft  = str_replace('.',$sep,$up_ft);
          $down_ft  = str_replace('.',$sep,$down_ft);
          $minele_ft  = str_replace('.',$sep,$minele_ft);
          $maxele_ft  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxele_ft);
          $deltaele_ft  = str_replace('.',$sep,$deltaele_ft);
          $avgspeed_kmh  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeed_kmh);
          $avgspeed_mph  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeed_mph);
          $avgspeed_kn  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeed_kn);
          $avgspeedup_kmh  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedup_kmh);
          $avgspeedup_mph  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedup_mph);
          $avgspeedup_kn  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedup_kn);
          $avgspeeddown_kmh  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeeddown_kmh);
          $avgspeeddown_mph  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeeddown_mph);
          $avgspeeddown_kn  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeeddown_kn);
          $avgspeedmoving_kmh  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedmoving_kmh);
          $avgspeedmoving_mph  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedmoving_mph);
          $avgspeedmoving_kn  = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedmoving_kn);
          $maxspeed_kmh  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeed_kmh);
          $maxspeed_mph  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeed_mph);
          $maxspeed_kn  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeed_kn);
          $maxspeedup_kmh  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeedup_kmh);
          $maxspeedup_mph  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeedup_mph);
          $maxspeedup_kn  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeedup_kn);
          $maxspeeddown_kmh  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeeddown_kmh);
          $maxspeeddown_mph  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeeddown_mph);
          $maxspeeddown_kn  = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeeddown_kn);
          $tpdistance_m  = str_replace('.',$sep,$tpdistance_m);
          $tpdistance_ft = str_replace('.',$sep,$tpdistance_ft);
        // v1.2.3 fix: clear track infos if ti=0
        if ($this->_params['ti'] != 1) {
          $tpdistance_m = "n/a";  
          $tpdistance_ft = "n/a";  
          $distance_km = "n/a";
          $distance_nm = "n/a";
          $distance_mi = "n/a";
          $n = "n/a";
        return array (
          $starttimestr,  // $starttime,
          $endtimestr,    // $endtime,
          $durationstr, // $endtime-$starttime
          'wptcount' => $wptcount,
          'wpts' => $wpts);
      private function expandWptSymbolFn($symbolfn)
        $templateDir = $this->_live_site.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate();
        $dirs = array(substr($this->_plugin_dir,0,-1),
    //echo("PluginDir:".$dirs[0]."<br />");
    //echo("GPXDir:".$dirs[1]."<br />");
    //echo("TemplateDir:".$dirs[2]."<br />");
        $phs = array('%PLUGINDIR%','%GPXDIR%','%TEMPLATEDIR%');
        // replace %TEMPLATES% placeholder in filenames with the plugin dir path
        $symfn = str_replace($phs,$dirs,$symbolfn);
        $symfn = strtr( $symfn , '\\', '/');
        return $symfn;  
      private function getWptSymbolFn($symbol,&$symbolwidth,&$symbolheight,&$offsetleft,&$offsettop)
        //todo: make default icon size configurable
        $symbolwidth = 16;
        $symbolheight = 16;
        // find symbol in mappings
        $mappings = explode("\n",$this->params->get('wpsymbolmappings'));
        // mappings in this format: symbol name["|"symbol name["|"symbolname]]=image file[","image width[","image height]]
        // Example: Water source|Picninc area=%GPXDIR%/icons/myicon.png,24,24
        $defaultsymbolfn = '%PLUGINDIR%/markers/waypointmarker16.png';
        foreach ($mappings as $mapping) {
          $parts = explode('=',$mapping);  
          $syms = explode('|',$parts[0]);
          foreach ($syms as $sym) {    
            if ($sym == $symbol) {
              $syminfo = explode(',',$parts[1]);
              $symfn = $this->expandWptSymbolFn($syminfo[0]);
              if (isset($syminfo[1]) and ($syminfo[1] != '')) {
                $symbolwidth = $syminfo[1];
              if (isset($syminfo[2]) and ($syminfo[2] != '')) {
                $symbolheight = $syminfo[2];
              if (isset($syminfo[3]) and ($syminfo[3] != '')) {
                $offsetleft = $syminfo[3];
              if (isset($syminfo[4]) and ($syminfo[4] != '')) {
                $offsettop = $syminfo[4];
              return $symfn;    
            } elseif ($sym == '*') { // "*" is used if no other match was found
              $syminfo = explode(',',$parts[1]);
              $defaultsymbolfn = $this->expandWptSymbolFn($syminfo[0]);
              if (isset($syminfo[1]) and ($syminfo[1] != '')) {
                $symbolwidth = $syminfo[1];
              if (isset($syminfo[2]) and ($syminfo[2] != '')) {
                $symbolheight = $syminfo[2];
              if (isset($syminfo[3]) and ($syminfo[3] != '')) {
                $offsetleft = $syminfo[3];
              if (isset($syminfo[4]) and ($syminfo[4] != '')) {
                $offsettop = $syminfo[4];
        return $this->expandWptSymbolFn($defaultsymbolfn);
      private function makeWptCode($wptcount,$wpts,$mapvar,$mapno)
        $s = "\n"."var toMercator = OpenLayers.Projection.transforms['EPSG:4326']['EPSG:3857'];"."\n".
             "var features = [];"."\n";
        if ((!is_numeric($this->_params['wppopupwidth'])) or ($this->_params['wppopupwidth'] <= 0)) {
          $this->_params['wppopupwidth'] = 300;
        if ((!is_numeric($this->_params['wppopupheight'])) or ($this->_params['wppopupheight'] <= 0)) {
          $this->_params['wppopupheight'] = 300;
        $popupsize = $this->_params['wppopupwidth'].','.$this->_params['wppopupheight'];
        if ($this->_params['wpsymbols'] != 0)
          // V1.2.3: add waypoint symbols    
          if ($this->_params['wppopups'] != 0) {
            // OnClick-handler for the Waypoint symbols
              $s .= 'var wptmarkerClick'.$mapno.' = function (evt) {'."\n";
              $s .= '    if (this.popup == null) {'."\n";
              $s .= '        this.popup = this.createPopup(this.closeBox);'."\n";
    //todo: make max size configurable!      
              $s .= '        this.popup.maxSize = new OpenLayers.Size('.$popupsize.');'."\n";
              $s .= '        map'.$mapno.'.addPopup(this.popup);'."\n";
              $s .= '        this.popup.show();'."\n";
              $s .= '    } else {'."\n";
              $s .= '        this.popup.toggle();'."\n";
              $s .= '    }'."\n";
              $s .= '    currentPopup = this.popup;'."\n";
              $s .= '    OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);'."\n";
              $s .= '};'."\n";
          for ($i=0; $i < $wptcount; $i++)
          //    if ($wpts[$i]['sym'] !== '') {
              // assemble code for Waypoint Symbol marker and optional popup    
              $symbolwidth = 24;
              $symbolheight= 24;
              $offsetleft = 0; // offset to top-left corner of the "hot spot"
              $offsettop = 0;
              $wptsymbolfn = $this->getWptSymbolFn($wpts[$i]['sym'],$symbolwidth,$symbolheight,$offsetleft,$offsettop);
              $s .= "\n";
              $s .= ' var wptsize'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Size('.$symbolwidth.','.$symbolheight.');'."\n";
              if (($offsetleft != 0) AND ($offsettop != 0)) {
                $s .= ' var wptoffset'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-('.$offsetleft.'), -('.$offsettop.'));'."\n";
              } else {
                // if no offsets supplied, use the center of the symbol like Basecamp does:          
                $s .= ' var wptoffset'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(wptsize'.$i.'.w/2), -wptsize'.$i.'.h/2);'."\n";
              $s .= ' var wpticon'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Icon("'.$wptsymbolfn.'",'."\n";
              $s .= '       wptsize'.$i.',wptoffset'.$i.');'."\n";
              $s .= ' wptgeo'.$i.' = toMercator(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point('.$wpts[$i]['lon'].','.$wpts[$i]['lat'].'));'."\n";
              $s .= ' wptll'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.LonLat.fromString(wptgeo'.$i.'.toShortString()); '."\n";
              $s .= ' var wptfeature'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Feature(layerMarkers'.$mapno.', wptll'.$i.');'."\n";
              $s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.data.icon = wpticon'.$i.';'."\n";
              $s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.closeBox = true;'."\n";
              $s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.popupClass = OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud;'."\n";
              // now assemble the html code for the popup. Sadly, this works quite different then
              // with the Geometry layer (code below in ELSE branch, so a lot of this code is _almost_
              // duplicate compared to the code there...
              $wpthtml = "";
              $wptname = $wpts[$i]['name'];
            $wptele = '';
              if (($this->_params['wppopupele'] !== 0) AND ($wpts[$i]['ele'] != ''))
                $e = $wpts[$i]['ele'];
                if ($this->_params['wppopupele'] == 'ft') {
                  $m_ft = 1 / 0.3048;
                  $e = $e * $m_ft;
                  $wptele = ' ('.round($e).' ft)';
                if ($this->_params['wppopupele'] == 'm') {
                  $wptele = ' ('.round($e).' m)';
              if (($this->_params['wppopuptimefmt'] != '0') AND ((integer)$wpts[$i]['time'] != 0))
                $t = strftime($this->_params['wppopuptimefmt'],(integer)$wpts[$i]['time']);
                $wpttime= '<br />'.$t;
              } else {
                $wpttime= '';
              if (($this->_params['wppopupdesc'] != '0') AND ((string)$wpts[$i]['desc'] != ''))
                $d = nl2br((string)$wpts[$i]['desc']);
                // the attribute text may not contain carriage returns or linefeeds:
                $d = preg_replace('/\r\n|\r|\n/', '', $d);
                $wptdesc = '<br />'.$d;
              } else {
                $wptdesc = '';
              if (($this->_params['wppopuplinkfmt'] != '0') AND ((string)$wpts[$i]['links'] != ''))
                $wptlinks = '<br />';
                $l = explode("\n",(string)$wpts[$i]['links']);
                $n = 1;
                foreach ($l as $lnk) {
                  if (trim($lnk) != '') {
                    $d = str_replace('%N%',$n,$this->_params['wppopuplinkfmt']);
                    if ($n>1) { $wptlinks .= '&nbsp;'; }
                    $wptlinks .= '<a href=\''.$lnk.'\' target=\'_blank\'>'.$d.'</a>';
                    $n += 1;
              } else {
                $wptlinks = '';
              $wpthtml =
                  "<div style='font-size:.8em'>".
                  "<span class='gpxwptname'>".$wptname."</span>".
                  "<span class='gpxwptele'>".$wptele."</span>".
                  "<span class='gpxwpttime'>".$wpttime."</span>".
                  "<span class='gpxwpdesc'>".$wptdesc."</span>".
                  "<span class='gpxwplinks'>".$wptlinks."</span></div>";
              $wpthtml = '"'.$wpthtml.'"';
              $s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.data.popupContentHTML = '.$wpthtml.';'."\n";
              $s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.data.overflow = "auto";'."\n";
              $s .= ' var wptmarker'.$i.' = wptfeature'.$i.'.createMarker(); '."\n";
              if ($this->_params['wppopups'] == 1) {
                $evt = '"mouseover"';
              } else {
                $evt = '"mousedown"';
                if ($this->_params['wppopups'] != 0) {
                $s .= ' wptmarker'.$i.'.events.register('.$evt.', wptfeature'.$i.', wptmarkerClick'.$mapno.');'."\n";
                // V1.4.1 added for touchevents in mobile/tablet browsers
                $s .= ' wptmarker'.$i.'.events.register("touchstart", wptfeature'.$i.', wptmarkerClick'.$mapno.');'."\n";
              $s .= ' layerMarkers'.$mapno.'.addMarker(wptmarker'.$i.');'."\n";
        } else { // no symbols (Graphics), but dots (Geometry layer)
            // add each waypoint as vector feature to separate vector layer
            for ($i=0; $i < $wptcount; $i++)
              $w =  "\n".
                    'features['.$i.'] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(toMercator(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point('.
                    '{ ';
              $w .= // attributes for the popup
                    'wptname: "'.$wpts[$i]['name'].'", ';
            $wptele = '';
              if (($this->_params['wppopupele'] !== 0) AND ($wpts[$i]['ele'] != ''))
                $e = $wpts[$i]['ele'];
                if ($this->_params['wppopupele'] == 'ft') {
                  $m_ft = 1 / 0.3048;
                  $e = $e * $m_ft;
                  $wptele = ' ('.round($e).' ft)';
                if ($this->_params['wppopupele'] == 'm') {
                  $wptele = ' ('.round($e).' m)';
              if ($wptele == '') {      
                $w .= 'wptele: "", ';
              } else {
                $w .= 'wptele: "'.$wptele.'", ';
              if (($this->_params['wppopuptimefmt'] != '0') AND ((integer)$wpts[$i]['time'] != 0))
                $t = strftime($this->_params['wppopuptimefmt'],(integer)$wpts[$i]['time']);
                $w .= 'wpttime: "<br />'.$t.'", ';
              } else {
                $w .= 'wpttime: "", ';
              if (($this->_params['wppopupdesc'] != '0') AND ((string)$wpts[$i]['desc'] != ''))
                $d = nl2br((string)$wpts[$i]['desc']);
                // the attribute text may not contain carriage returns or linefeeds:
                $d = preg_replace('/\r\n|\r|\n/', '', $d);
                $w .= 'wptdesc: "<br />'.$d.'", '."\n";
              } else {
                $w .= 'wptdesc: "", '."\n";
              if (($this->_params['wppopuplinkfmt'] != '0') AND ((string)$wpts[$i]['links'] != ''))
                $w .= 'wptlinks: "<br />';
                $l = explode("\n",(string)$wpts[$i]['links']);
                $n = 1;
                foreach ($l as $lnk) {
                  if (trim($lnk) != '') {
                    $d = str_replace('%N%',$n,$this->_params['wppopuplinkfmt']);
                    if ($n>1) { $w .= '&nbsp;'; }
                    $w .= '<a href=\''.$lnk.'\' target=\'_blank\'>'.$d.'</a>';
                    $n += 1;
                $w .='", '."\n";
              } else {
                $w .= 'wptlinks: "", ';
              $w .= 'wptnum : '.$i.' '. // v1.2.1 fix: remove trailing comma here
                    '{ '.
                'fillColor : \''.$this->_params['wpcolor'].'\', '.
                'fillOpacity : '.$this->_params['trackopacity'].', '.
                'strokeColor : "'.$this->_params['trackcolor'].'", '.
                'strokeOpacity : '.$this->_params['trackopacity'].', '.
                'strokeWidth : 1, '.
                'pointRadius : '.$this->_params['wpradius'].', '.
                'cursor: "pointer"} );'."\n\n";
              $s .= $w;
            if ($this->_params['wppopups'] != 0) { // V1.2.2 fix: disabling popups didn't work
              $s .=
              // create the layer with listeners to create and destroy popups
              'var vector = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Points",{'."\n".
              '  eventListeners:{'."\n".
              '    \'featureselected\':function(evt){'."\n".
              '    var feature = evt.feature;'."\n".
              '    var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("popup",'."\n".
              '          OpenLayers.LonLat.fromString(feature.geometry.toShortString()),'."\n".
              '          null,'."\n";
              // contents for the popups:
              $s .=
              ' "<div style=\'font-size:.8em\'>'.
              '<span class=\'gpxwptname\'>" + feature.attributes.wptname + "</span>'.
              '<span class=\'gpxwptele\'>" + feature.attributes.wptele +  "</span>'.
              '<span class=\'gpxwpttime\'>" + feature.attributes.wpttime +  "</span>'.
              '<span class=\'gpxwpdesc\'>" + feature.attributes.wptdesc +  "</span>'.
              '<span class=\'gpxwplinks\'>" + feature.attributes.wptlinks +  "</span>"';
              $s .= '+ "</div>",'."\n";
              $s .=
              'null,true); '."\n".
    //todo: make max size configurable!      
              'popup.maxSize = new OpenLayers.Size('.$popupsize.');'."\n".
              'feature.popup = popup; '."\n".
              $mapvar.'.addPopup(popup); }, '."\n".
              '    \'featureunselected\':function(evt){'."\n".
              '     var feature = evt.feature;'."\n".
              '     '.$mapvar.'.removePopup(feature.popup);'."\n".
              '     feature.popup.destroy();'."\n".
              '     feature.popup = null; } } });'."\n".
              $s .= // create the select feature control
              'var selector = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vector,{'."\n";
              if ($this->_params['wppopups'] == 1) {
                $s .= ' hover:true,'."\n";
              } else {
                $s .= ' toggle:true,'."\n";
              $s .=
              ' autoActivate:true }); '."\n".
              $mapvar.'.addLayer(vector); '."\n".
              $mapvar.'.addControl(selector); '."\n";
        return $s;
      private function filterSignal($s,$n,$order)
        $sn = array();
        if ($order < $n) {
          $sum = $s[0];
          $sn[0] = $s[0];
          for ($i=1; $i < $order; $i++) {
            $sn[$i] = $sum / $i;
            $sum = $sum + $s[$i];
          for ($i=$order; $i<$n; $i++) {
            $sn[$i] = $sum / $order;
            $sum = $sum - $s[$i-$order] +  $s[$i];
        return $sn;
      private function renderDiagram($dist,$data,$n,$mindata,$maxdata,$distance,$uom,$filepath,$filename,$filenamesuffix,
       $ext = pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
       $pos = strrpos($filename,$ext);
       if ($pos !== false) {
         $destfile = substr_replace($filename, 'svg', $pos, strlen($filename)); // replace .gpx with .svg
       if ($filenamesuffix != '') {
         $fn = pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_FILENAME);
         $pos = strrpos($filename,$fn);
         if ($pos !== false) {
          $destfile = substr_replace($filename, $fn.$filenamesuffix, $pos, strlen($filename)).'.svg'; // turn track.svg into track-speed.svg
       if (JFile::exists($filepath.$destfile) AND ($this->_params['cache'] == 1)) {
         return $destfile;
       $m_ft = 1 / 0.3048;
       $kmh_mph = 1 / 1.609;
       $kmh_kn = 1 / 1.852;
       $sep = $this->_params['tidecimalsep'];
       $e = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="1000" height="500"'."\n".
            ' viewBox="0 0 10000 10000" preserveAspectRatio="none">'."\n";
       $e .= '<rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" stroke="gray" stroke-width="0" fill="'.$diabgcolor.'" fill-opacity="1" />'."\n";
       // horizontal altitude lines
       // v1.2.2 configurable number of grid lines. Bottom coord=500, Top=9500
       if ($ygridlines>0) {
         for ($i=0; $i<$ygridlines; $i++) {
           if ($i==0) {
             $yco = 500;
           } else {
             $yco = 500 + ($i * (9000/($ygridlines-1)));
           $e .= '<line x1="0"    y1="'.$yco.'" x2="10000" y2="'.$yco.'"  stroke-width="'.$ygridwidth.'" stroke="'.$ygridcolor.'" />'."\n";
       $d1 = $dist[0];
       $a1 = $data[0];
       $yrange = ($maxdata-$mindata) * 1.1; // 5% "headroom" above and below
       $yofs   = ($maxdata-$mindata) * 0.05;
       $xrange = $distance;
       if ($yrange==0) {
         return '';
       // x axis grid
       if (($xgrids > '') AND ((string)$xgrids != '0')) {
         $xs = explode('/',trim($xgrids));
         foreach ($xs as $xgrid) {
           if ($xgrid > 0.0) {
             switch ($xgridunits) {
               case ( 'm') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid * 1.0; break;
               case ('km') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid * 1000.0; break;
               case ('ft') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid / $m_ft; break;
               case ('mi') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid * 1000.0 / $kmh_mph; break;
               case ('nm') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid * 1000.0 / $kmh_kn; break;
             if ($distance*1000 / $xgrid_m <= $xgridlimit)
             { break; }
         } // foreach
         // auto-correct if still to many grid lines
         while ($distance*1000 / $xgrid_m > $xgridlimit ) {
           $xgrid_m = $xgrid_m * 2;
           $xgrid   = $xgrid   * 2;
         $xofs = $xgrid; // in display units
         $xofs_m = $xgrid_m;
         while ($xofs_m < $distance * 1000) { // $distance is [km] !
           $xcoord = $xofs_m / $xrange * 10;
           $e .= '<line x1="'.round($xcoord).'" y1="0" x2="'.round($xcoord).'" y2="10000"  stroke-width="'.$xgridwidth.'" stroke="'.$xgridcolor.'" />'."\n";
           $xdist = round($xofs,1).' '.$xgridunits;
           if ($sep !== '.') {
             $xdist = str_replace('.',$sep,$xdist);
           $e .= '<g transform="scale(0.3,1)"><text x="'.round($xcoord*(1/0.3)+100).'" y="9950" font-family="Verdana" font-size="500" fill="black">'.$xdist.'</text></g>'."\n";
           $xofs   += $xgrid;
           $xofs_m += $xgrid_m;
       $x1 = 0;
       $y1 = (($a1-$mindata+$yofs) / $yrange )* 100;
       $x1coord = round($x1*100);
       $y1coord = 10000-round($y1*100);
       $lw = $dialinewidth * 10;
       // here goes line/polygon diagram...
       $polyline = '<polyline fill-opacity="0" stroke-width="'.$lw.'" stroke="'.$dialinecolor.'" points="'.$x1coord.','.$y1coord.' ';
       $polygons = '';
       if ($xrange==0) {
         return '';
       for ($i=1; $i < ($n-1); $i++) {
         $d2 = $dist[$i];
         $a2 = $data[$i];
         $x2 = ($d2) / $xrange * 100;
         $y2 = (($a2-$mindata+$yofs) / $yrange) * 100;
         $x2coord = round($x2*100);
         $y2coord = 10000-round($y2*100);
         $fill = '';
         if ($diafillmode == 1) { // delta (up/down)
           if ($x2<>$x1) {
             $m = (($y2-$y1)/($x2-$x1));
             if ($m>0) {
              $fill = $diaupcolor;
             else {
               $fill = $diadowncolor;
               $m = -$m;
             $m = round(sqrt(sqrt($m))*0.4,3); // gives better "opacity/color distribution"
           } else {
             $fill= "white";
         if ($diafillmode == 2) { // abs
           $m = ($a2 - $mindata) / ($maxdata-$mindata); // 0..1.0
           $fill = $diaupcolor;
         if ($fill !== '') {
           $polygons .= '<polygon fill-opacity="'.$m.'" fill="'.$fill.'" stroke-width="0" points="'.
                         $x1coord.',9500 '.$x1coord.','.$y1coord.' '.$x2coord.','.$y2coord.' '.$x2coord.',9500" />'."\n";
         $polyline .= $x2coord.','.$y2coord.' ';
         $x1 = $x2;
         $y1 = $y2;
         $x1coord = $x2coord;
         $y1coord = $y2coord;
       $e .= $polygons;
       $e .= $polyline.'" />';
       // min/max elevation captions on y axis
       //TODO: remove "magic consts" in here with calculated offsets... y values go down from top/left origin.
       $e .= '<g transform="scale(0.3,1)">'."\n";
       if ($ygridlines>0) {
         for ($i=0; $i<$ygridlines; $i++) {
           if ($i==$ygridlines-1) {
             $yco = 9950;//500 - 50;
             $ecur = $mindata;
           } else {
             $yco = 500 -50 + ($i * (9000/($ygridlines-1)));
             $ecur = $maxdata - ( ($maxdata-$mindata) / ($ygridlines-1) * $i );
           if ($uom == "m") { // elevation - data is in [m]
             $ecur = round($ecur,1);
           if ($uom == "ft") { // elevation - data is in [m]
             $ecur = round($ecur * $m_ft,1);
           if ($uom == "km/h") { // speed - data is in [km/h]
            $ecur = round($ecur,1);
           if ($uom == "mph") { // speed - data is in [km/h]
            $ecur = round($ecur * $kmh_mph,1);
           if ($uom == "kn") { // speed - data is in [km/h]
            $ecur = round($ecur * $kmh_kn,1);
           if ($sep !== '.') {
             $ecur = str_replace('.',$sep,$ecur);
           $e .= '<text x="100" y="'.$yco.'" font-family="Verdana" font-size="500" fill="black">'.$ecur.' '.$uom.'</text>'."\n";
       $e .= '</g>'."\n";
       // close surrounding translate() group tag
       $e .= '</svg>'."\n";
       // always re-create (for now), but: see cache setting above
       if (JFile::exists($filepath.$destfile)) { JFile::delete($filepath.$destfile); }
       // V1.2.2 check write permission
       if (! $this->is__writable($filepath.$destfile)) {
         return '';
       } else {
         $fh = fopen($filepath.$destfile,"c");
         return $destfile;
      private function getGPXTime($gpxtimestr)
       // timestamps in GPX files have the following format:
       // 2012-12-03T09:08:43Z
       // 01234567890123456789 (offsets)
       $y = (int)substr($gpxtimestr, 0,4);
       $m = (int)substr($gpxtimestr, 5,2);
       $d = (int)substr($gpxtimestr, 8,2);
       $h = (int)substr($gpxtimestr,11,2);
       $n = (int)substr($gpxtimestr,14,2);
       $s = (int)substr($gpxtimestr,17,2);
       $ts = gmmktime($h,$n,$s,$m,$d,$y); // no UTC conversion fanciness, please! just as it appears in the file...
       if ($this->_params["titimeshift"] != 0) {
         $ts = $ts + $this->_params["titimeshift"] * 60 * 60;
       return $ts;
      private function ziptrackfile($filepath,$filename)
        $ext = pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
        $pos = strrpos($filename,$ext); // search from the right
        //maybe add in a check here if extension is really "gpx" ??
        if($pos !== false)
        { $destfile = substr_replace($filename, 'zip', $pos, strlen($filename)); // replace .gpx with .zip
        $fullgpxpath = $this->_absolute_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filepath.$filename;
        $fullzippath = $this->_absolute_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filepath.$destfile;
        if (JFile::exists($fullzippath) AND ($this->_params['cache'] == 1))
        { return $filepath.$destfile; }
        // V1.2.2 check write permission
        if (! $this->is__writable($fullzippath)) {
          $this->_warnings .= 'Unable to create zip file of the gpx file. Please check write permissions!'."\n";
          return false;
        if (!JFile::exists($fullgpxpath))
        { return false; }
    /** code Joomla 3
    $filesToZip[] = array(
        'data' => JFile::read($fullgpxpath),
        'name' => JFile::getName($filename));
        $zip = JArchive::getAdapter('zip');
        $zip->create($fullzippath, $filesToZip);
        // migration vers Joomla 4
        $filesToZip[] = array(
    'data' => file_get_contents($fullgpxpath),
    'name' => basename($filename));
    $archive = new JArchive;
    $zip = $archive->getAdapter('zip');
        // migration vers Joomla 4
        if (JFile::exists($fullzippath)) // it should now!
        { return $filepath.$destfile; }
        { return false; }
      private function markerFilename($markertype, $markerset)
        { case(1): $clr = 'blue'; break;
          case(2): $clr = 'red'; break;
          case(3): $clr = 'green'; break;
          case(4): $clr = 'yellow'; break;
          case(5): $clr = 'white'; break;
          case(6): $clr = 'gray'; break;
          case(7): $clr = 'black'; break;
            $clr = $markertype; // so one can put "startmarker=red" in the call instead of "startmarker=2"
          default: $clr = '';
        if ($clr=='')
        { return ''; }
        { return 'marker'.$markerset.'-'.$clr.'.png'; } // marker1-blue.png
      private function is__writable($path) {
        // from www.php.net article on is_writeable:
        // pour Joomla3 if ($path{strlen($path)-1}=='/') // recursively return a temporary file path
        if ($path[strlen($path)-1]=='/') // recursively return a temporary file path
          return is__writable($path.uniqid(mt_rand()).'.tmp');
        else if (is_dir($path))
          return is__writable($path.'/'.uniqid(mt_rand()).'.tmp');
        // check tmp file for read/write capabilities
        $rm = file_exists($path);
        $f = @fopen($path, 'a');
        if ($f===false)
          return false;
        if (!$rm)
        return true;
    à la ligne 52 il y a
    $this->_gtmversion = 'V1.4.1';
    vous pouvez m'aider s'il vous plait ?

    belle journée
    Dernière édition par Sergio à 20/01/2024, 05h12

  • #2

    Voir la discussion https://forum.joomla.fr/forum/joomla...-configuration
    "Patience et longueur de temps font plus que force ni que rage..." (La Fontaine : Le Lion et le Rat) - "Il n'y a pas de problèmes; il n'y a que des solutions" (André Gide).
    MoovJla et LazyDbBackup sur www.joomxtensions.com - FaQ sur www.fontanil.info - Site pro : www.robertg-conseil.fr chez PHPNET, sites perso chez PlanetHoster + sites gérés chez PHPNET, PlanetHoster, Ionos et OVH



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